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Write a research article based on previous work.

Write a research article based on previous work.

Intro: (1-3 paragraphs)
-Background (media sources?)
– Aims/goals (research question as a statement)
-Intro to methods (short)
Lit Review: (at least 10 academic sources)
– Themes of how you’re looking at your topic
– MEAL paragraphs
– Reflect your research question
– generally 1.5-2 pages….can be longer or shorter
Methods (short) 2-3 paragraphs:
– What specifically are you looking at
– Why are you looking at this
-How are you looking at this data
-Themes discovered by coding data
-Talk about what we found, we compare it to previous research, give examples, we analyze why meaningful
to answering research question
-Repeat this for each theme
-Restate question and aim of paper
– Summarize findings
– Suggest future studies or action

More for Methods;

• What are you analyzing? Be detailed….don’t just
use vague language here.
• Why did you select this to analyze? How does it
help you look at your research question? The idea
here is to justify your data source
• How are you specifically looking at your sources to
collect the data?

The method section requires a clear and precise description of how a experiment was done, and the rationale for why specific experimental procedures were chosen. The methods section should describe what was done to answer the research question, describe how it was done, justify the experimental design, and explain how the results were analyzed.

Things you may consider in Methods Section:
• Research design / Study design. What was your research design (your overall strategy for answering your research question)? Was this an experimental, observational, qualitative, or mixed-methods study?
• Setting. How did you determine the location of the research? Why is this a suitable location for the project?
• Participants / Sample / Subjects
• Data collection. If you conducted a qualitative study (e.g. observation, ethnography, open-ended interviews, artifact analysis), describe your protocol for collecting or capturing data.

The Results (also sometimes called Findings) section in a research paper describes what the researcher(you) found when you analyzed the data. Its primary purpose is to use the data collected to answer the research question(s) posed in the
introduction, even if the findings challenge the hypothesis. The Results section should also describe other pertinent discoveries, trends, or insights revealed by analysis of the raw data.
This is the section where you add a lot of your own analysis:

How do your findings relate to your research question?
How do build-on/contradict/redirect/etc. the previous research in the lit review?
How did this lead you toward your thesis?

The sources that you that you include in your literature review should have a clear connection to your topic, research question, and thesis! It should also be clear from the ideas and themes developed in you lit review as to why you gathered the original data that will come next.

More For Conclusion;

Restate the problem and questionsaddressed in the paper

•Summarize your overall arguments or findings
•Suggest the takeaways and further action about your
topic or problem

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