Overview: Why does the zip code determine so much about an individual’s health? What makes some people healthy and others unhealthy? Healthy People 2030 explores questions such as these with a focus on social determinants of health. The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion groups social determinants of health into 5 domains.
Instructions: Watch the 5-minute video “A Tale of Two Zip Codes” at https://youtu.be/Eu7d0BMRt0o. Next, continue your exploration of the Healthy People 2030 website and social determinants of health at https://health.gov/healthypeople/objectives-and-data/social-determinants-health and relate each domain for the social determinants of health to the Healthy People 2030 objective you selected. Complete the following worksheet. Limit responses to 150 words or less.
My Healthy People 2030 objective: Increase the proportion of women who receives early and adequate prenatal care – MICH-08
How does economic stability impact your chosen Healthy People 2030 objective?
How does education access and quality impact your chosen Healthy People 2030 objective?
How does health care access and quality impact your chosen Healthy People 2030 objective?
How does neighborhood and built environment impact your chosen Healthy People 2030 objective?
How does social and community context impact your chosen Healthy People 2030 objective?