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When self-driving cars are involved in accidents, where does liability reside?

This is a case study research paper, this assignment requires to analyze one case. (see attached file case study – How Safe are Self Driving Cars?)

Critical thinking is important to improve the work. Be sure to address the questions at the end of the selected case in your research paper. Use APA formatting.

Adress Questions as stated below:
“When self-driving cars are involved in accidents, where does liability reside? Is it the driver’s fault? Is the car manufacturer or software manufacturer libel? How might the deployment of self-driving cars affect the insurance industry?”

References: Include 5 scholarly resources

Comprehensive and highly relevant answers to case study questions. Research and ideas are original and thoroughly developed. Position supported with 3-5 peer-reviewed sources in addition to the textbook is properly referenced and cited in APA style. Recognizes ethical issues and legal implications and fully grasps the complexities surrounding the issues. Thoroughly discusses the extent to which issue can cause damage. Information provided is relevant and fully supports the evaluation of the case study and the recommended course of action. Makes informed judgment that effectively minimizes the potential consequences of ignoring issues and non-compliance with ethical imperatives. The fairness and effectiveness of the judgment has been fully considered. Ideas are written in a logical way, leading the reader to reasonable conclusions. Central message of presentation is compelling (precisely stated, appropriately repeated, memorable, and strongly supported.) Writing is almost completely free of technical and grammatical errors. APA style errors are minimal.

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