What are the problems that conventional ideas of language and communication pose for a scientific understanding of verbal behavior? Be sure to mention Hart & Risley’s study (described in Johnson) in your response.
Discussion Post Rubric (20) Possible Points
Category 4 Points 2 Points 0 Points
Length of Post The author’s post consisted of 150 – 200 words.
The author’s post consisted of 150 – 100 words.
The author’s post consisted of 100 words or less.
Grammar, usage, spelling
The author’s post contained less than 2
The author’s post contained 3 – 4
The author’s post contained over 5
grammar, usage, or grammar, usage, or grammar, usage, or spelling errors. spelling errors. spelling errors and proofreading was not apparent.
Referencing and utilizing outside sources
The author posted references in APA format and cited an one or more original references, outside of the assigned readings.
The author posted references in APA format of assigned readings, but did not include an additional reference.
The author neither utilized APA format or referenced material used nor cited an outside reference.
Promotes Discussion
The author’s post clearly responds to the assignment prompt,
The author’s post responds to the assignment prompt,
The author’s post does not correspond with the assignment
develops ideas but relies heavily on prompt, cogently, organizes definitional mainly discusses them logically and explanations and does personal opinions, supports them through not create and develop irrelevant information, empirical writing. The original ideas and or information is author’s post also support them logically. presented with limited raises question or The author’s post may logic and lack of stimulates discussion. stimulate some development and discussion. organization of ideas. Does not support any claims made.
Timely Response Assignment is posted on or prior to due date.
Assignment is one day late.
Assignment is two days late.
Be advised, there are also response costs associated with specific behaviors:
• response cost of (3) points will be administered for not responding to a peer’s post.
• response cost of (1) point will be administered for not reading all of peers’ posts.
• Discussion posts that are turned in more than two days after the due date will not be accepted unless otherwise excused by the instructor.