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Week Three Reflection Questions:

Read this article:

What is a key take away from the article about teaching Heart Words? How is this applicable to you/your students? The students are 3rd graders.


Deep-dive into at least 3 resources from the module (i.e. 1 article, 1 video, 1 link) and respond to the four reflection questions in the Microsoft Word document. Justify/Refer to the resources that shaped your perspective in your reflection.


Questioning Payne | Learning for Justice

Jonathan Villafuerte: FLY Scholars: Reframing the Narrative | TED Talk


Answer the questions for the attached ASPEN FALLS 7


This week is about teaching more, not less to disadvantaged students. It is your free option to do ONE of the following and post it for your classmates to view & comment:

1. write a letter or poem from your perspective or a fictional student’s perspective (like FLY from the TedX video)

2. draw a picture, create a virtual collage, or any visual representation of what teaching more means to you

3. create slam poetry or write freely about what teaching more signifies

4. create a graphic or flyer on to invite teachers to teach more, explaining what that signifies (post finished product here for classmates to see)

5. post a photo with explanation of what teaching more, not less looks like

Comment on at least one other classmate’s post with a glow (praise), connection, or inquiry (question to learn more) related to at least ONE RESOURCE from this week’s module.

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