Week 3: Crime Analysis and Threat Assessment Information as Essential Security Tools
This week we study crime analysis as an essential security tool. Two pdfs are included as suggested readings for further guidance in this week’s discussion question.
1) International Association of Crime Analysts. (2014). Definition and types of crime analysis [White Paper 2014-02] and
2) Clarke, R. V., & Eck, J. E. (2005). Crime Analysis for Problem Solvers In 60 Small Steps (pp. 1-150, Rep. No. NCJ 211310). Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice
In addition, some helpful information about crime analysis is also located at the International Association of Crime Analysts website at http://www.iaca.net/dc_news.asp.
After reviewing the readings, respond to both of these discussion topics:
1) In your opinion, what tools would be the most effective for private security professionals in gathering data and intelligence about predicting security threats? How would you implement gathering that information and using it to manage security resources? Provide detailed reasons for your selections.
2) For your second posting, evaluate at least one of your fellow learner’s recommendations with substantive and constructive feedback on the selection and provide an analytical question to further the discussion.