General Instructions
To implement evidence-based practice, advanced practice nurses must evaluate current research findings for application to practice. Create a PowerPoint Presentation and address the following requirements:
- Download the Week 7 Evidence-Based Practice Change templateLinks to an external site..
- Use of this template is required. If the template is not used, a 10% deduction will be applied. See the rubric. Save the template and include your name in the file name.
- Follow APA grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation rules consistent with formal, scholarly writing.
- Use PowerPoint's Notes Page view feature to include speaker notes. Speaker notes should be included for all slides except the title and reference slides. Use complete sentences.
- Use APA in-text citations and complete references to support your PICOT quality improvement project.
- Abide by Chamberlain University's academic integrity policy.
Include the following sections (detailed criteria listed below and in the grading rubric).
- Title Slide
- Introduction (1-2 slides)
- Identify and describe the patient-focused practice issue.
- Explain the significance of the issue and its impact on patient health outcomes, nursing practice, or healthcare delivery. You may use the description of the issue completed in Week 1.
- Provide an in-text citation from a scholarly source to support your writing.
- PICOT Question (1 slide)
- Include your PICOT question from Weeks 2 and 5 in sentence format.
- Include the required elements in the PICOT statement (P – population and problem, I – intervention, C – comparison, O – outcome, T – timeframe for outcome achievement). You may use the PICOT question and elements developed in Week 2.
- Findings (2-3 slides)
- Present the findings of the Literature Summary completed in Week 5.
- Provide a 1-2 sentence overview of the results of each of the five studies related to the PICOT question.
- Provide an in-text citation from a scholarly source to support your writing.
- Synthesis (1-2 slides)
- Discuss common themes found in the literature.
- Explain any gaps found in the literature related to the PICOT question.
- Identify whether the evidence in the literature was sufficient to support the intervention in the PICOT question.
- Provide an in-text citation from at least two scholarly sources to support your writing.
- Recommendations (1-2 slides)
- Based on your literature review, what are your recommendations [implement practice change or conduct additional research]?
- Identify the stakeholders impacted by your recommendation.
- Discuss the resources needed to implement your recommendation.
- Provide an in-text citation from a scholarly source to support your writing.
- References
- Provide complete references in APA format; you may use bullets. Hanging indents are not required.
- Please include the Chamberlain University permalink to the direct full copy of the articles.
- Speaker Notes
- Speaker notes are provided for each slide (except the title and reference slides).
- Information included in speaker notes is presented in complete sentences, supports slide contents, and has appropriate references.
Presentation Format
- The presentation is a total of 8-11 slides.
- Slide information is succinct and presented with bulleted points.
- Color schemes, font style, and size are consistent on each slide.
- A minimum of 18-point font is used and appropriate for audience reading.
- Graphics and images (if used) are professional and appropriate.