The topic is the difference between ETF and Mutual Fund. You could mainly talk about what factors help a fund to outperform the market.For ETF, we can consider the SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY) and for mutual fund, we can consider the Fidelity Contrafund (FCNTX) as examples. You could find data from yahoo finance.
Here are some factors that can help a fund to outperform the market: Diversification, Expense ratio,Active management, Consistent performance, Portfolio composition.
riefly write down the introduction and literature survey and result and discussion, and 5 to 7 pages on a methodology (three in total,only do one ). The model that you can use has no limitation, Binomial Lattice Model, The Markowitz Model, Facters Models(fama french), etc
Here are two valuable sources: