The Implementation of a New Staffing Matrix
This assignment will help you explore management philosophy and implementation of a nursing staffing plan.
– You are the chief nursing officer in a hospital or a healthcare facility. You report an increase in patient acuity to the senior leadership of your healthcare facility. So you are asked to develop a proposal for a new staffing matrix for your facility.
Create a 4 to 5 page proposal. This does not include the Cover Page and Reference Page(s). Follow standard APA formatting.
- Includes all cost issues in the development, implementation, and monitoring of this new matrix
- Addresses recruitment and retention programs for and costs of this new matrix
- Provides new nursing leadership philosophies to staff a healthcare facility
- Explains the staffing approach in employing licensed versus nonlicensed personnel
- Describes the variables that you need to track in implementing the plan
- Explains the anticipated positive and negative trends in implementing such a matrix
Please carefully review the project instructions and make sure that you include topic headings to identify important sections of content. You are developing a proposal for a new staffing matrix for your facility. Remember, with any project you need to establish objective measures to establish a baseline performance and to track future performance of your proposal. This is how you would evaluate if your intervention was successful
Week 4 Project Grading Rubric
Maximum Points
Included all cost issues in the development, implementation, and monitoring of this new matrix: 15
Addressed recruitment and retention programs for and costs of this new matrix: 15
Provided new nursing leadership philosophies to staff a healthcare facility: 10
Explained the staffing approach in employing licensed versus non-licensed personnel: 10
Described the variables that you need to track in implementing the plan: 10
Explained the anticipated positive and negative trends in implementing such a matrix: 10
Used correct spelling, grammar, and professional vocabulary. Cited all sources using APA format. Used current authoritative sources of information to support assertions: 10
Total: 80