Assessment Brief Template
Module Code: EDU00070I
Module Title: Teaching and Learning a Second Language
Please use the formatting and referencing guidelines in the Student Handbook.
The purpose of the assignment is to let you explore some of the issues raised in the lectures in more depth. In the essay, you should aim to review some of the literature and show critical understanding of the issues.
A full description of the assessment criteria can be found in the Handbook.
Summative Assessment Details
A rationale and lesson plan.
Part 1.
Write a 2000-word rationale for the lesson plan in Part 2. The second language, the country and the age group (pre-school, primary school, secondary school, adults) the lesson is intended for must be specified. The rationale will discuss the needs of the students in the chosen context and critically discuss the design of the lesson plan in Part 2, with reference to underlying theories, methodology, and practical issues discussed in class.
Part 2.
Write a 500-word lesson plan for a 45-60 minute second language lesson for a specific educational context. The lesson plan must include a cover page and procedure page. Materials (e.g. activities, texts) should be attached in an appendix and are not included in the word count.
The lesson can focus on language skills (reading/writing/listening/speaking) and/or language (e.g. grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation) and should be based on a specific topic.