Throughout this course, you have been assigned to read 15 chapters in the Obenchain & Morris text. In those readings, you have been introduced to several instructional strategies. For this assignment, you will build a portfolio of strategies in which you apply various techniques and approaches to your instruction.
Select five assigned Obenchain & Morris textbook chapters (no more than one from any given module: week). Using the Strategies Portfolio Template provided with this assignment, write a strategy of 1–2 paragraphs similar to those in each chapter’s Application and Ideas section. Use current APA format when citing and referencing sources.
Each strategy in your Strategies Portfolio should include the following:
1. The title and strategy number from the text.
2. State standard(s) met by implementing the strategy. Links to the Virginia Standards of Learning and Common Core Standards have been provided with this assignment. Only Virginia Standards of Learning or Common Core Standards may be used for this assignment.
3. Grade level (must be an Elementary grade).
4. A 1 – 2-paragraph description of an activity in which the strategy is applied.
A Strategies Portfolio Example has been provided for your reference.
Cite and reference all sources in current APA format.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.