As the Health IT director at Metropolitin Hospital, you are asked to create a presentation to give to the Board of Directors on the new EHR that was implemented. For this presentation, create a 14-slide presentation that:
1. highlights the standards.
2. Policies
3. Technical requirements of the Electronic Medical Record System (EMR).
4. In addition, you are to discuss the Promoting Interoperability standards and what types of data is being collected to ensure the hospital is meeting the Promoting Interoperability standards.
Assignment Expectations
1. Provide a 14-slide (excluding title slide and reference slide) PowerPoint presentation.
2. Your presentation must cover the standards, policies, and technical requirements associated with an EHR implementation.
3. Your presentation must also include slide(s) that discuss the Promoting Interoperability standards and what types of data should be collected to ensure meeting the Promoting Interoperability stages.
4. Include speaker notes to support your presentation with appropriate citations.
5. Your references and citations should be consistent with a particular formatting style, such as APA.
6. Provide references from at least 4 scholarly articles (peer-reviewed). Do not include information from non-scholarly materials such as wikis, encyclopedias, or (or similar websites). Use this link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals.
7. Your response should incorporate the outcomes of the module with the requirements of this assignment.
8. Be sure that you do not cut and paste material into your slides, but use proper quotations where needed, and also citations for all reference materials. The same expectations apply to PowerPoint presentations as to documents.
Please provide speaker notes for bullets in the PowerPoint with inline citations