s was outlined in Module 8, the use of analytics to determine the effectiveness of sport marketing success and promotion effectiveness continues to evolve in this industry. As an effective marketing and promotion plan often leads to improved sales and an organization’s bottom line, measurement in this area is of paramount importance to keep campaigns growing strong or to make strategic changes for improvement (Schwars & Hunter, 2017). As analytics and measurement are such an important function in the sport marketing process, the objective of the final term paper is for the student to evaluate the different methods of analytics and measurement used in the contemporary sport marketing field and determine which methods they propose to be most effective and supported by scholarly research. Your paper should include the following:
Review chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 & 13 from the (Schwars & Hunter, 2017) textbook and the suggested readings. Use this information as a guide to compose a manuscript on the use of analytics and measurement in sport marketing that will guide you through your career in sports administration. Your manuscript should clearly answer each of the questions or statements provided in the bullets below:
Assess the components of marketing analysis and the traditional and expanded marketing mix.
What type of social responsibility does the marketing team need to be aware of?
Critically review the marketing concept of sport in terms of sport production, the sport product, and the selling of sport.
Conceptually map the stages of the sport product life cycle as they apply to the marketing of sport products.
What processes must be utilized to implement efficient and effective sport marketing logistics that ensure the sustainability of sport products?
What is sport sales and what is its relationship to sport marketing?
Critically review the different categories and uses of social, digital, and mobile media as utilized in the sport industry.
Critically review the growth and associated planning process in the use of analytics in sport marketing.
Substantiate the purposes and uses of sport marketing performance evaluation systems.
Conceptualize how the use of marketing analytics can be used in the business of sport.
Your paper should:
Utilize 10 resources (or more) other than your text for references. As this is a Doctoral-level course be certain to use reference citations that directly support your opinion and arguments. This paper also should be of professional journal submission quality. Remember to format your document and all citations in APA style including your cover page.
Should be 15 to 20 double spaced pages in length, not including the reference page and the APA cover page
Should cover each of the bulleted points in order they were given and in great detail
Should use 10 resources (or more) in addition to the course textbook
Should include a reference list that is completed according to APA style
Should include an abstract and key words page according to APA style