Reuse, revise, and expand one of your previous papers fiction to develop an interesting, focused thesis in a research paper, employing a critical approach to literature.
- Use at least four relevant scholarly sources, including journal articles (databases) and books (book or ebook): a minimum of five sources, including the literary text(s) your paper discusses.
- In the first or second paragraph of the paper, define the critical perspective you are using (a couple of sentences or a paragraph). Then throughout the paper, employ that critical perspective with the literary work(s) your paper discusses.
- Develop and focus the paper on an overall, central, narrow thesis so that you are making a clear argument, not presenting a list or general idea. In other words, avoid plot summary and have a clear point.
Minimum 2,500 words (there is no maximum word limit)
Use the paper template provided to help meet these requirements
- MLA documentation, including in-text citations and works cited page
- MLA format, including one-inch margins, double spacing, page break before list of works cited
- Sans serif font, such as Calibri, the default font in Word, or the default font in Google docs