Chat with us, powered by LiveChat RESEARCH UPDATE: Students are expected to submit Research Update. The Update will include the following information: 1. Name of student, 2. Topic with a - Tutorie

RESEARCH UPDATE: Students are expected to submit Research Update. The Update will include the following information: 1. Name of student, 2. Topic with a

RESEARCH UPDATE: Students are expected to submit Research Update. The Update will include the following information: 1. Name of student, 2. Topic with a brief description, 3. A description of the articles researched. 

NO article will be acceptable with a published date of before 2020. 

The objective of this paper is for you to be able to take a variety of sources and make a coherent research report and evaluation of a sustainability issue(s) in relationship to the Food and Beverage industries. The research paper needs to be issue centered.  It needs to have two sides to the issue that is researched so that the writer can demonstrate an analysis of the different sides and reach a conclusion.

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