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Research & Summaries Question

Part A

Take one of the following parasitic diseases and apply the chain of infection to show how to break the chain and potentially eliminate the spread of the disease. For whatever parasitic disease you use, you must be able to apply at least three links in the chain of infection.

Parasitic Diseases that you are allowed to use:

Lyme disease

West Nile Virus



ID it—Fill in every row in this column.

What can be done to address it? Choose two rows and ID how you could break the chain.


Portals of Exit and or Entry

Modes of Transmission

Infectious Agent


Part B

Take one of the following fungal diseases and apply the chain of infection to show how to break the chain and potentially eliminate the spread of the disease. For whatever fungal disease you use, you must be able to apply at least two links in the chain of infection.

Fungal Diseases you can use for this assignment



Fungal Eye Infection

Pneumocystis Pneumonia


ID. Identify it
What can be done to address it? Choose two rows and ID how you could break the chain.


Portals of Exit and or Entry

Modes of Transmission

Infectious Agent


Part C

Test Content
Question 1
0.8 PointsResearchers use descriptive statistics to draw conclusions about population values.
FalseClear selection
Question 2
0.8 PointsA frequency distribution is a systematic arrangement of scores that shows the number of times each score occurred.
FalseClear selection
Question 3
0.8 Points“Age at death” is an example of a positively skewed attribute.
FalseClear selection
Question 4
0.8 PointsThe standard deviation is a measure that tells how spread out scores are in a distribution.
FalseClear selection
Question 5
0.8 PointsTwo sets of data with identical means would likely have the same standard deviation.
FalseClear selection
Question 6
0.8 PointsThe standard deviation represents the average of the deviations from the mean.
FalseClear selection
Question 7
0.8 PointsThis is an example of a negative correlation: As daily sodium intake increased, blood pressure readings got higher.
FalseClear selection
Question 8
0.8 PointsA statistically significant finding means that the obtained results are not likely to have been due to chance.
FalseClear selection
Question 9
0.8 PointsParametric tests make no assumptions about the shape of the distribution in the population.
FalseClear selection
Question 10
0.8 PointsA t-test can be used to test mean differences for two independent groups (e.g., men vs. women) or for a single group at two points in time.
FalseClear selection
Question 11
0.8 PointsA researcher would test the difference between the means of three groups of patients using a t-test.
FalseClear selection
Question 12
0.8 PointsIn multiple regression, independent variables are often called predictor variables.
FalseClear selection
Question 13
0.8 PointsIn a multiple regression, the outcome variable is measured on an interval or ratio scale.
FalseClear selection
Question 14
0.8 PointsIn logistic regression, the outcome variable is measured on the nominal scale.
FalseClear selection
Question 15
0.8 PointsA research report interprets the statistics r= .12, df = 33,p> .05 as “the results are not statistically significant at conventional levels”. The authors interpret their findings correctly.
FalseClear selection
Question 16
0.8 PointsA statistical expression of magnitude of relationship between two variables or magnitude of difference between two groups:
effect size.
Question 17
0.8 PointsIndicate which of the following tests likely would be used in this study situation: Chase tested the difference in the mean birth weights of infants whose mothers either had or had not participated in a special prenatal education program.
Independent groups t-test
Paired t-test
Chi-squared test
Pearson’s correlation
Question 18
0.8 PointsIndicate which of the following tests likely would be used in this study situation: Pojanowski tested the significance of the relationship between scores on a functional ability scale and a cognitive performance scale in nursing home residents.
Chi-squared test
Pearson’s correlation
Question 19
0.8 PointsIndicate which of the following tests likely would be used in this study situation: Hutchings compared mean preoperative anxiety levels in three groups of patients with different types of cancer.
Chi-squared test
Pearson’s correlation
Question 20
0.8 PointsIndicate which of the following tests likely would be used in this study situation: Messina compared the percentage of patients who had a fall in two hospital units, one of which had implemented a new patient safety protocol.
Chi-squared test
Pearson’s correlation
Question 21
0.8 PointsA correlation coefficient provides all of the following information, except:
whether or not there is a relationship between the variables.
the strength of the relationship between the variables.
the cause of the relationship between the variables.
the direction of the relationship between the variables.
Question 22
0.8 PointsA branch of qualitative research associated with the field of anthropology is:
Question 23
0.8 PointsWhich of the following is a feature common to qualitative research methods?
Naturalistic inquiry
Random sampling
Introduction of a treatment
Use of a control group
Question 24
0.8 PointsIn qualitative research, a guiding principle in deciding sample size is:
Effect size
Number of variables
Data saturation
Sub-group analysis
Question 25
0.8 PointsCharacteristics of qualitative research design include:
Flexible and elastic design
Use of mixed methodologies
Ongoing analysis to formulate subsequent strategies
The researcher becomes the instrument
All of the above
Test Content
Question 1
3 PointsWhat was the purpose of the research by Read et al. (2023)?
To test an intervention to support coregives of people with Parkinson’s disease.
To comprehend the lived experience of caregiving for people with late-stage Parkinson’s disease
To better understand the complexity and multifaceted nature of advancing Parkinson’s disease.
Question 2
3 PointsWhat type of sampling was used in the study by Read et al. (2023)?
Question 3
3 PointsIn the study by Read et al. (2023), the authors state that participant recruitment continued until data saturation was achieved. What is data saturation?
Communication with study participants after participation is complete regarding aspects of the study (e.g., explaining the study purpose more fully).
The selection of sample members based on emerging findings to ensure adequate saturation of important theoretical categories.
The use of multiple data sources for the purpose of validating conclusions.
The collection of qualitative data to the point where a sense of closure is attained because new data yield redundant information.
Question 4
3 PointsWhat steps did Read et al. (2023) take to ensure the ethical treatment of their participants? Select all that apply.
Open-ended questions explored the perceived impact on life situations, needs, opinions about care and services, personal challenges and the positives of being a family-caregiver, defcits and barriers to care provision, and future care decisions.
The study was granted ethical approval from Camden and Kings Cross Research Ethics Committee
The interviews were transcribed verbatim and deidentifed by the interviewers (all personally identifying data was removed from the transcript)
All data was stored securely
The interviewees were identified with a unique study identification number rather than their names.
Participants were recruited through general practitioners’ (GPs) surgeries, NHS hospital outpatient clinics, Parkinson’s charities, and specialist neurologists
Written informed consent was obtained from all participants.
Question 5
3 PointsRead et al. (2023) describe the initial data analysis process as follows” transcripts were read repeatedly by the frst and second authors (JR and SC) to build an overview of all content and develop initial coding lists, concentrating on the study aims. The separate code lists were compared (JR and SC) and combined to create a coding frame, which was reviewed (CL, SI, and AS) and applied line-by-line to all data of interest (JR and SC). What is coding in qualitative research?
The use of multiple data sources for the purpose of validating conclusions.
Procedures used to hold constant confounding influences on the dependent variable (the outcome) under study.
The process of transforming raw data into standardized form for data processing and analysis; in qualitative research, the process of identifying recurring words, themes, or concepts within the data.
The notes recorded by researchers to document the unstructured observations made in the field and the interpretation of those observations.
Question 6
3 PointsOne of the themes derived from the analysis of the interview data was ” Perceiving unmet service provision needs:”. How did Read et al. (2023) define this theme?
“Family-caregivers spoke about the current service provision they received as being experiencing fragmented and insufcient care for a complex condition and that there was a lack of anticipatory planning for the future.”
“Nurses spoke about the current service provision they received as being experiencing fragmented and insufcient care for a complex condition and that there was a lack of anticipatory planning for the future.”
“The consequences of fragmented care from multiple care agencies meant that family-caregivers had to be an advocate for the PwP and coordinate all aspects of care, described under the theme of assuming a project manager role. A consequence of this was that they were never of duty, described under managing a constancy of demands, which led to perceiving personal loss.”
Question 7
3 PointsIn the discussion section, Read et al. (2023) state “Mirroring the carers UK report [13], our fndings confrm the high levels of informal care family-caregivers provide.” The process of comparing your results to the reults from other studies enhances trustworthiness in the findings of the qualitative study. The use of multiple methods to collect and interpret data about a phenomenon to converge on an accurate representation of reality is called _______?
Question 8
3 PointsRead et al. (2023) make several recommendations for enhancing care. Identify the clinical implications of this research. Select all that apply.
Collaboration between multiple service agencies
Including family caregivers in all consultations
Family-caregiver well-being should also be evaluated and appropriate support considered
Encouraging family caregivers to consider long term care earlier in the disease progression
Encouraging the family caregiver to utilize respite care services to support their personal health
Question 9
3 PointsTrue or False: In the article by read et al (2023) the authors described the use of bracketing (the process of identifying and holding in abeyance any preconceived beliefs and opinions about the phenomena under study) to manage their personal biases during the research.
FalseClear selection
Question 10
3 PointsWhich of the following is a limitation of the sampling frame in the study by Read et al. (2023)?
Small sample size
Participants were from urban and suburban settings
The sample lacked diversity in terms of sex and racial background
Participants were from differing socioeconomic backgrounds

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