ways in which the examples of American culture described are uniquely American or not. Moreover, consider whether the examples of American culture discussed are unique to specific groups or societies within American society and what that tells us about the USA and/or the groups that are represented by the culture.
Discuss ways in which the imposition of Western-style economies and societies through colonialism and globalization have complicated the lives of people in South Asia.
identify the cultures and societies (plural) of the United States.
evaluate the place of the United States within a larger global context.
identify the cultures and societies (plural) of the India.
evaluate India's development from British colony to the world's most populous democracy.
The student will develop at least two quality research questions about a topic you wish to explore. You will use this research topic and questions to build an annotated bibliography. The instructor will evaluate and comment on the student’s submitted question to help ensure its quality and usability.