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Project in Analyzing Diversity Disparity

Part One: Demographics of Community and Church (3-5 pages)

Demographics of Community: Using community/city or county records (e.g., census or local data no more than 10 years old), find the demographics of your local area based upon matters of:
Race/ethnicity: Caucasian, Black, Hispanic, Other (define any significant population groups within the “other” category)
Age – Use 0-12, 13-17, 18-30, 30-50, 50-above (or other local ranges)
Marital Status: Married, Single, Divorced, Widowed
Income Level per Household (define local data income ranges)
Education levels – HS/GED, bachelors, masters, doctorate
Physical and developmental conditions (provide local data categories)
Denomination within Christianity or faith traditions beyond Christianity
Demographics of Church: If it has not already been done, perform a demographic evaluation of your worship community along similar categories of diversity:
Race/ethnicity: Caucasian, Black, Hispanic, Other (define any significant population groups within the “other” category)
Age – Use 0-12, 13-17, 18-30, 30-50, 50-above (or use same age ranges as community)
Marital Status: Married, Single, Divorced, Widowed
Income Level per Household (use local data income ranges)
Education levels – HS/GED, bachelors, masters, doctorate
Physical and developmental conditions (follow local data categories)
Denomination (it is assumed that your worship community is one denominational tradition. If this is not so, indicate the range of denominational diversity).
Based upon these demographic studies, summarize the major area(s) of contrast (i.e., diversity disparity) between your church and the local community.
Part Two: Critical Analysis of Diversity Disparity (4-6 pages)

Select one major area of diversity disparity between church and community that you would like to address in this project. {Choose one that you envision can be mitigated through your project.}
Using textbooks and materials of this course as well as resources discovered through the SU library and other sources, do a preliminary analysis of this specific area of diversity.
What is the nature of this form of diversity?
What negative and unhelpful attitudes and behaviors tend to create disparity in worship communities related to this form of diversity?
Using textbooks and materials of this course as well as resources discovered through the SU library and other sources, summarize a biblical foundation and theological perspective related to this form of diversity.
Optional: After completing the research above, hold a focus group within your worship community:
To discuss the causes of the disparity as well as the presence of any negative or unhelpful attitudes and behaviors within the worship community; and
To brainstorm possible strategies that would constructively engage this form of diversity.
Provide a summarizing conclusion regarding your diversity topic leading toward devising a strategy for overcoming the church-community disparity.
Part Three: Devise a Strategy to Overcome This Diversity Disparity (3-5 pages)

Note: this strategy is to be realistic (e.g., clear plan, achievable, measurable), but it is understood that it will not be implemented due to time and other constraints of our course. Further, some students might not have the position or freedom to carry out such a strategy given personal or other local limitations. Thus, the strategy will be a hypothetical plan; however, students should devise their plans with a view to presenting them to the pastoral staff and/or leadership of their worship community.
Create one strategy generated through the process of Part Two, which you can devise a plan to begin the process of overcoming this diversity disparity in your worship community.
Outline the major goals, steps and details of the strategy.
Define any potential obstacles (internal and external) in the implementation of the strategy.
Appeal should be made to course materials, academic resources, and any ministry models that have already been devised to address the chosen issue.
IN-COURSE ASSESSMENT: The project will be assessed for the following features:
Usage of a minimum of 8 scholarly resources, including course textbooks as well as books published by academic presses and peer-reviewed articles.
The level of the student’s engagement with and integration of the subject matter of this course (e.g., biblical and theological foundations, various forms of diversity, identification of unhelpful attitudes and behaviors, etc.).
The student’s capacity to analyze different forms of diversity, evaluate negative and unhelpful attitudes and behaviors, and to constructively engage different forms of diversity to create strategies for a pastoral response.

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