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Problem Statement Template

The problem statement I chose was Heart failure management in outpatient settings is crucial due to the increasing prevalence of the condition, which necessitates improved care strategies to reduce hospital readmissions and enhance patient outcomes.

Complete each step by typing your answers in the blank space. Include references as appropriate.

Step #1: Introduce the problem and population (insert 2–4 sentences here). Provide some general background information about the problem that will be the focus of the study.

Specific Patient Population:

Specific Problem you want to address:

Step #2: Locate 3 recent (less than 5 years old) articles to support the need to correct this problem in your chosen population. Summarize the findings of these articles in 3-6 sentences. Be sure to include intext citations. List the references in APA formatting at the end of the paper.


Step #3: What SPECIFIC intervention do you plan to implement to address the identified problem? This must be a validated and reliable tool such as a practice protocol or screening tool. The DNP project will have educational components, but it must have a specific intervention beyond education.


CNM: Implementation of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) screening tool in an outpatient midwifery clinic at the first postpartum follow up visit for women ages 12-50.

PNP: Implementation of the PHQ-A screening tool in an outpatient pediatric clinic for all patients ages 8-18 at their well child visit.

NNP: Implementation of Donor Breast Milk Protocol for preterm infants in the NICU at risk for NEC.

What is the specific intervention you want to use and list 2 articles where it has been utilized in your patient setting. What were the outcomes of these studies? Use intext citations and list the article references at the end of the paper.

Step #4: Answer the following questions based on your patient population and problem. If you do not know where you will specifically be implementing your project, then provide information about the best setting for your project. (ABC hospital or Clinic in XYZ, US…).

1. The name of the facility where I would implement this project:

2. Type of facility:

3. The patient population at that facility is:

Step #5: List references here in APA formatting:

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