Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Prepare your final evidence-based practice intervention proposal for a project whose focus is the resolution of an issue or problem significant to improvi - Tutorie

Prepare your final evidence-based practice intervention proposal for a project whose focus is the resolution of an issue or problem significant to improvi


Prepare your final evidence-based practice intervention proposal for a project whose focus is the resolution of an issue or problem significant to improving a problem or issue in health care that indirectly or directly improves patient care. (Patients are conceptualized as individuals, groups, families, or communities.) Make all necessary revisions and corrections to previous assignments completed in Topics 1- 4. Combine all elements into one cohesive evidence-based practice proposal.

Although recommendations will vary in length depending upon the problem or issue addressed, the paper must be between 3,500-3,750 words and formatted in APA style. The title page, appendixes, and references are not included in the word limit. The final paper should clearly describe the methods used to identify and retrieve the evidence as well as the rationale for exploring the clinical issue chosen. Clearly articulated recommendations for practice based on research evidence are essential to a successful paper.

Use section headings for each section component and address responses in narrative form. Sections of the final paper must include all of the components written to date (incorporating revisions), as well as the remaining sections. The sections include:

  1. Title Page
  2. Introduction
  3. Problem or Issue
  4. Question(s) From PICO
  5. Literature Review
  6. Research Questions and Ethical Considerations
  7. Theory or Model
  8. Proposed Solution
  9. Implementation Plan
  10. Evaluation Plan
  11. Dissemination Plan
  12. Conclusion/Summary
  13. Reference Page
  14. Appendices (if any)

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, l

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