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Please do not use AI as this needs to be orginal.

Please do not use AI as this needs to be orginal.

Please answer all the 15 questions below in detail, 11-13 sentences each, show me your knowledge about these topics we discussed.


● We discussed the challenges of Human Resource strategy and how strategy is at times riddled with inconsistencies within the management of people. How has scheduling changed in the past several years in a post COVID word. Provide an example of a company that has been unsuccessful in this transition of “stability of schedules” –not everyone was a winner during COIVD, please provide two examples.

● The logistics company you work for has discussed the benefits of subcontracting your manufacturing back to Mexico due increase challenges in Asia. Though we’ve learned in the past the economic challenges with these trade shifts (NAFTA/reliance of China trade). How would you approach these potential problems differently? Specially the teams working both in Mexico and the U.S.—would the teams and expanded job designs change? Provide two examples of these adaptations.

●What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of high ethical standards and procedures within the U.S. operating in a geopolitical world. Should this variable be a priority for the U.S. in the next several years –accounting for tensions around the world, development of AI and a changing U.S. demographic –how do these factors change influence the workplace and how does one make the right ethical steps?

● In class we discussed the bridge collapse in Baltimore – this is mainly a logistics and infrastructure issue—correct? Though we speak of supply chain risk being factored into these real-life exercises. What are the political and currency (funding) challenges within a failure of infrastructure? Or better yet, should we separate them both and handle them separately – i.e. oil and water.

● In operations management we’ve learned the challenges of security – technological innovations are improving security and inventory management everyday though at what expense? What are some of the drawbacks of more security within the supply chain—is this a net gain for the consumer? Please provide two current examples of where this can be found.

● The workplace has changed and so have the benefits of expanded job design to the new post COVID employee. Who is the ultimate winner in this new era of employment –is this the death of a high work ethic? We already have data indicating that employees are disengaging from work and this new phenomenon of quiet quitting—provide two examples if you believe this is an improvement to job design OR the beginning of the end as we shift to an absolute dependency of tech, automation and AI?

● Why are supplier certifications still a critical metric when building a supply base? With information and data being so prevalent do degrees/certifications really have any relevance or added value? We already see a trend with employers accepting job applicants with no credentials/degrees but rather taking an aptitude exam as a precursor of job performance and success much like an SAT/LSAT. Please provide three examples of how this may hinder or improve our current social construct of the workplace.

● A hurricane could be labeled as a serious threat to your shipping business –your company has shipped goods via vessel from Miami to Singapore during a Category 5 hurricane. You just received a call from the shipping agent in Singapore that your goods were lost in sea –is this something that could have been mitigated by a good long-range plan? Or resolved through a resilient Just-in-time (JIT) network? Please explain

● In terms to Inventory management (Walmart/Amazon/Auto Zone) are leaders in goods movement and have learned to strike a balance between inventory investment(s) and customer service(s). What are some of these “investments” that the companies initiate—provide one real-world example.

● In managing the shipping (import/export) component of your business how does the procurement process play a role –please provide three examples of how e-sourcing and e-procurement have revolutionized supply chain/block chain networks.

● What is the overall approach of an MRO facility? Provide two examples of how a company utilizes and maximizes a facility of this kind? Do these sorts of facilities only work specified markets or is it a tool that can me implemented anywhere?

● In supply chain management we understand that not all the modes of transportation are created equally—logically speaking why is trucking superior over freight railroads, air cargo and ports and waterways? Please provide three examples of how trucking differentiates from the

other modes.

● When planning and developing a warehouse and/or logistical hub what are the added benefits of setting up a cross-dock facility? Specifically provide two examples of how create more goods movement alignment and overall delivery execution?

● Provide an example of a company that utilities and implements logistics management tactics –in that it obtains efficient operations through the integration of all material acquisition, movement, and storage activities.

● What are three characteristics of how global shipping (vessels) and trade has developed through technology and modern day modeling practices?=

Part 2-

Provide an interesting example of a company’s material flow cycle. One page, 12 font, single spaced.

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