1. Please discuss the importance of the right to refuse unreasonable requests from clients and colleagues.
2. Please distinguish between assertive, and assertive and aggressive refusals.
3. Describe a situation in which a patient or family you cared for was highly distressed. Discuss the effect of the distressed behavior on other patients/clients or on you or your colleagues. Describe an assertive response based on chapter
4. Difficult patients and patient complaints have a common theme based on the articles in your reading. Provide an example of a difficult patient encounter you experienced. Did you experience the distancing phenomena? Why or why not?
P ostings should be a minimum of 250 words, spellchecked, and succinct in grammar and completed Wednesday by 11:59pm with response to two peers by Sunday 11:59pm. Discussions require an APA reference at the end of your posting unless stated in the discussion instructions for the week. Complete the self grading quiz Sunday by 11:59pm.