This week's discussion topic:
People are the most precious resource of every enterprise. Creating an organizational structure and specific job descriptions are just the start. Staffing them with competent professionals with the right mix of skills and personalities will spell the difference between average or poor performance and innovative explosion.
A good start to every interview will be for you to present the organization and yourself, what you try to achieve and how you go about it. This allows you to set the parameters for an in-depth conversation with each candidate and, also, provides you with a common baseline for evaluating your choices when you hire for a position.
How will you start the interview?
Share with us your opening statements and initial question(s) to all candidates, regardless of the specifics of each position.
Remember, a minimum requirement includes paragraphs of 5 to 7 sentences. Each paragraph should have one citation and corresponding references and in-text citations. Respond to two different peers with one in-text citation and corresponding reference for each peer post. Three in-text citations and corresponding references are required.
Introduction, Main Ideas, and Conclusion – Include an Introduction, Main Ideas, and Conclusion to the paper. The Introduction, Main Ideas, and Conclusion should each include 5 to 7 sentences.