Organizational Behavior examines the structures of our workplaces and looks at ways in which they can be improved. It addresses issues such as workforce motivation, incentives, team building and office environments and how we can best manage the dynamics of organizational change. Throughout this course you have learned these general concepts and also considered situations in which improvements to the organization could be made. At this point, it is your turn to identify a way to improve either your organization, one you have previously worked in or maybe one in which you have been asked to assist with either formally or informally.
The purpose of the project is to give you an opportunity to apply what has been learned in the course (through course lectures, readings, assignments, and discussions) to problems in an organization of your choice. This organization of choice can be a public, private, or non-profit organization to study. You can choose an organization where you work, have previously worked or have interests.
Gather information from people in an organization through direct contact or through experiences you have had within the organization. You may supplement this information with data from the media, the organization’s literature, and other secondary sources. You should identify a relatively recent problem to analyze (i.e., this should not be an historical account of a problem and the company’s solution). You should focus your analysis by applying the concepts from the course. While it is acceptable to incorporate several concepts from the course, please aim for depth rather than breadth regarding the use of course concepts. Your goal is to diagnose the mechanisms that are causing the problem or issue of concern in the organization. Initially, you may notice many symptoms (for instance, high turnover, seemingly low morale, low commitment, motivation etc.), but your task is to get to the underlying reason for these symptoms. And beware, sometimes the initial symptoms we think we see are not what they appear to be.
There are two broad goals for this assignment:
One goal of this assignment is obviously to take the initiative to make a positive contribution to an organization.
Another major goal is to provide an opportunity for you to learn more about organizational behavior first hand and to use your critical thinking and reflection skills to link your experience with this organization to your learning in relation to organizational behavior theory.
To meet these broad goals, you should answer the following questions in the assignments detailed below.
What are the issues or problems facing the organization? What course concepts can be applied to understand why this problem is occurring?
What recommendations can you offer to help improve organizational functioning? How will these recommendations bring about positive change? (ex. What can we expect or anticipate will happen if we implement these changes?)
1. The one page (1” margins, 12 point font, double spaced) executive summary is due at the end of Week 7.
This should just be a one-page brief that could be provided to attendees at a meeting to help them understand what your project is about. Synthesize the information from your full paper since most employees want an abbreviated item to read.
Please include:
a. a brief summary of the problem
b. a brief summary of your proposed solution
c. intended results from implementation of your proposed solution
3. Your written project is due at the end of Week 7. It should be 10 – 11 pages double-spaced pages (1 inch margins, 12 point font). You will be penalized significantly for exceeding this limit. The limit does not include appendices or the reference page, which you are free to use to provide charts, figures, or other background material not necessary in the main body of your analysis. However, appendices that are not directly referenced in the main text will not be read.
This written project should summarize the issue facing the organization (with some background on the organization), what you learned about this situation from the course and additional research, how this information applies to the situation and what you would do to improve the organization with specific outcomes intended from this change initiative. See the rubric for more details and watch the videos posted for a better understanding.