Of the multitude of strategies discussed this week for increasing work enjoyment for staff, what is your favorite/most preferred strategy discussed in this module? How will you integrate this strategy into your supervision practice in the future? What will it look like when you implement it with a supervisee/trainee? Are there any practices discussed that you will avoid in your supervision in the future, and why?
Additionally, please include LINKS or DOIs to any articles or books referenced outside of the assigned readings as part of your APA citation (as is required when using web-based referencesLinks to an external site.). Failing to do so will result in point deductions.
Reflection Paper Rubric (25 points) Reflection papers consist of brief responses to a prompt related to the information shared in each week’s module. Using both the assigned materials and external references, the student should thoughtfully and thoroughly respond to the prompt. During the following week, students will be required to provide feedback on a peer’s reflection paper, and will be required to paste the text of their completed peer review into their own submission comments in Canvas, which will allow for the instructor to grade more easily. Reflection paper assignments will be graded as follows:
Category 5 points 3 points 0 points Reflection Length* *(excludes reference section and direct quotes from references that are longer than 5 words)
Reflection paper content was greater than 150 words.
Reflection paper content was between 100-149 words.
Reflection paper content was less than 99 words.
Grammar, Usage, and Spelling
Reflection paper contained less than 2 grammar, usage, or spelling errors.
Reflection paper contained 3-4 grammar, usage, or spelling errors.
Reflection paper contained more than 5 grammar, usage, or spelling errors and proofreading was not apparent.
References and Utilization of Outside Resources
The author used references from peer- reviewed behavioral sources in APA format and cited one or more original behavioral references, outside of the assigned readings. Hyperlinks to the cited external references are provided.
The author used references in APA format of assigned readings but did not include an additional peer-reviewed behavioral reference or did not include a hyperlink to the externally-cited reference.
The author neither utilized APA format for referenced material used nor cited an outside peer-reviewed behavioral reference.
Addressing the Prompt
The author’s reflection paper clearly responds to the assignment prompt, develops ideas cogently, organizes them logically, and supports them through empirical writing.
The author’s reflection paper clearly responds to the assignment prompt, develops ideas cogently, organizes them logically, and supports them through empirical writing.
The author’s reflection paper does not correspond with the assignment prompt, mainly discusses personal opinions, irrelevant information, or information is presented with limited logic and lack of development and organization of ideas.
Application The author’s post clearly demonstrates application and relationship to the week’s assigned reading/topic.
The author’s post refers to the assigned topic/reading tangentially but does not demonstrate application.
The author’s post does not demonstrate application of the week’s assigned topic/reading.
Peer Review – Your peer review text must be copied and pasted into the comments of your own reflection paper submission to receive credit.
Completes peer-review of colleague’s reflection paper and provides well-thought- out, thorough feedback.
Completes peer-review of colleague’s reflection paper, but provides only vague, non-specific feedback or input.
Does not complete peer- review of a colleague’s reflection paper or does not copy the text into the comments section of their own submission to allow for grading.
Late reflection papers will adhere to the general submission policy found on the Virtual Course Schedule.
Supervision – Work Enjoyment Biagi
Supervision Essentials for Behavior Analysts With Shannon Biagi, MS, BCBA (she/her)
Note: This training program is based on the BACB® Supervisor Training Curriculum Outline (2.0) but is offered independent of the BACB®.
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Printed Name:
Supervision – Work Enjoyment Biagi
Reinforcement and Work Enjoyment
in Supervision This content is protected and may not be shared, uploaded, or distributed other than what has been authorized by the University of West Florida..
Supervision – Work Enjoyment Biagi
The goals of this lesson are to: • Identify the role of supervisor support on job satisfaction, turnover, and
• Determine assessment strategies for factors related to work enjoyment, including burnout, supervisor support, and job crafting behaviors
• Identify characteristics of high-quality positive feedback
• Select the positive impacts of integrating personalized reinforcement systems into supervision practices
• Determine the impact of aversive control and extinction in work settings, and strategies for decreasing aversiveness of job tasks
• Identify BACB® recommended actions for professional development of supervisors, as well as supervisees/trainees
• Determine strategies that supervisors can use to coach self-care repertoires of supervisees/trainees
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Supervision – Work Enjoyment Biagi
Why Focus on Work Enjoyment?
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Supervision – Work Enjoyment Biagi
Challenges in Human Services One of the greatest challenges in the field of behavior analysis is managing and mitigating the burnout of staff, decreasing staff turnover, and cultivating motivation to provide high-quality services. Delivering high quality services requires a high-functioning workforce, and creating and maintaining this workforce is an
ongoing struggle in the field.
Estimates of voluntary turnover in behavior analysis annually are over __%, which is higher than the national average and ___% above similar industries (education, health services, etc.) (Cymbal, et al. 2022).
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Supervision – Work Enjoyment Biagi
Novack & Dixon (2019) Predictors of Burnout, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover in Behavior Technicians Working with Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder In this meta-analysis, 5 studies were reviewed on retention, turnover, burnout, and job satisfaction in behavior analysis to determine potential factors contributing to these issues.
Interestingly, benefits and wages earned per hour were not correlated with less intent to turnover, though perceived satisfaction with pay did decrease intention to turnover.
However, a major area of influence over intent to turnover, burnout, and job satisfaction from most studies was _________________.
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Supervision – Work Enjoyment Biagi
On Job Satisfaction
Hantula (2015)
In our post-industrial society, we spend the majority of our waking hours at work. This means that the workplace has the largest influence on our emotional well-being, as well as our ________, family life
quality, and involvement in our __________.
While the construct of job satisfaction is tentatively related to performance (at best) in industrial/organizational psychology literature, it has been directly linked to significant health
outcomes and decreases in illness-based ___________, decreases in depression, increased marital satisfaction, and increased engagement with their families and communities during their free time.
“Emotionally healthy employees are a __________.” – Dr. Donald Hantula This content is protected and may not be shared, uploaded, or distributed other than what has been authorized by the University of West Florida..
Supervision – Work Enjoyment Biagi
The Role of Supervisors in ABA Staff Work Enjoyment Supervisors play a significant role in building highly- motivated and well-adjusted professionals for the field, whether the staff are direct care staff or aspiring analysts themselves.
While supervisors do not directly control all of the systems that may impact our staff’s work enjoyment and job satisfaction, there are many factors that they can control, and have a position in which they can ________ for systems changes on behalf of the staff that they work with.
In order to do so, supervisors can conduct __________ with their staff to determine levels of burnout and, more directly, perceived supervisory support.
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Supervision – Work Enjoyment Biagi
Assessing Factors Related to Work
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Supervision – Work Enjoyment Biagi
In the ABA and OBM literature, there is a current lack of research on behavioral predictors of work engagement and burnout, and therefore, there are few/no resources for assessing these variables from our journals.
Other fields, such as industrial-organizational psychology, however, have well-developed tools and vocabulary to discuss such predictors, and using these resources can have a great impact on individual and organizational practices in ABA services.
Slowiak & DeLongchamp (2021)
Determining Assessment Strategies
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Supervision – Work Enjoyment Biagi
Demerouti, et al. (2001)
Examples – High work pressure, emotionally- demanding interactions with clients, stimulating
Examples – Autonomy, skill variety, performance feedback, professional
development opportunities
Examples – Learning history, preferences,
capacity (emotional and physical), prior work
Examples – Private events, self-imposed work overload
or obstacles
Examples – Proactive changes made to tasks,
relationships, and perception of value of
work, work alignment with preferences
There is a complex interplay between personal and professional factors that influence job performance and well- being.
The Job Demands-Resources model provides a framework that can be used to analyze the constellation of variables that may be _________ or ___________ the staff member’s ability to perform well.
Job Demands-Resources Model
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Supervision – Work Enjoyment Biagi
Tims, Bakker, & Derks (2012)
Job Crafting Scale – Assessing Job Crafting Behaviors
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Oldenburg Burnout Inventory – _____ & Motivation Data
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Supervision – Work Enjoyment Biagi
Eisenberger, et al. (2002)
Perceived Supervisor Support (PSS) Questionnaire – ____________ Data
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Supervision – Work Enjoyment Biagi
Using Assessment Tools Proactively From these assessment tools, we can __________ integrate practices into our supervision that mitigate, and allow for early detection of, issues related to burnout and supervisor support.
These include, but are not limited to:
• Providing positive _______ when staff perform well
• Identifying individualized _________
• Reducing _________ control and/or micromanagement
• Reducing aversiveness of job _____ or working environments
• Developing plans for ongoing professional _________ of staff
• Providing mentorship and coaching on ________ repertoires
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Supervision – Work Enjoyment Biagi
Which of the following was not discussed as a factor to evaluate when assessing factors
related to work enjoyment?
Checking in:
a. Burnout
b. Personality
c. Perceived supervisor support
d. Job crafting behaviors
e. All of these are valuable to assess for work enjoyment
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Supervision – Work Enjoyment Biagi
Positive Feedback
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Supervision – Work Enjoyment Biagi
Positive Feedback When discussing feedback, often the conversation focuses on delivering ________ or __________ feedback. However,
positive feedback is an incredibly valuable tool for shaping behavior, increasing confidence and autonomy of team members, and helps us create quality __________ with the people we supervise and manage.
Often, we focus on identifying opportunities for constructive feedback but this must be balanced with finding the things that staff excel at. As Dr. Aubrey Daniels says, we need to
“__________________________”This content is protected and may not be shared, uploaded, or distributed other than what has been authorized by the University of West Florida..
Supervision – Work Enjoyment Biagi
The ability to “catch ‘em doing good” is easiest when a supervisor is available to engage in __________________ regularly, in which the supervisor is present in the work environment.
In remote work conditions, this can become a greater challenge, but can be done through permanent product reviews and virtual ___________ when needed.
Integrating “catch ‘em doing good” into your regular monitoring and evaluation processes takes _______ and can have a great impact on all facets of organizational health and culture.
“Catch ‘em Doing Good”
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Supervision – Work Enjoyment Biagi Daniels’ (2017) Guide for Positive Reinforcement at Work
Determine how your team members prefer to be recognized. Public? Private? Via email? Face- to-face?
Make sure the feedback highlights things that are valuable to THEM.
Make It __________ Try to catch folks in the act of doing their jobs well. If there must be a delay, ensure that it is as short as possible – before the end of the day, for example.
We know as clinicians the value of immediate reinforcement with clients… it’s the same science.
Make It __________ Can you provide too much positive reinforcement? Only if the delivery is poor.
Reid and colleagues (2021) recommend striving for daily positive feedback for staff.
Make It __________ General statements about performance are unlikely to serve as reinforcers. “Good job” and “great work” do not specify what they did well.
Be specific about what you are providing the positive feedback for, and why it’s important.
Make It _________
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Supervision – Work Enjoyment Biagi
Catch ‘em…
Turning paperwork in on time
Staying calm in a tough situation
Offering help to another employee
Speaking up with a new idea
Volunteering for an extra task
Turning documents in before a due date
Asking for feedback
Asking an ethics-related question
Arriving on time
Following up on a task without prompting
Responding to communication in a timely
Tidying up a community spaceRevising their work
Asking for help
Saying kind words about a colleague
Finishing up a tedious task
Seeking out new learning opportunities
Bringing concerns to the appropriate person
Setting a goal for themselves
Actively participating in training
Changing their behavior based on
Admitting they made a mistake
Demonstrating they’re listening
Organizing public resources
Making appropriate decisions independently
Making their colleagues laugh
Modeling behaviors for others to learn
Saying “no” when they need toHighlighting someone
else’s accomplishments
Asking for clarification
Providing feedback to someone else
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Supervision – Work Enjoyment Biagi
Luthans, et al. (2007)
PsyCap & Feedback We can use positive feedback to increase private events associated with ”positive ______________________” – a series of four constructs/private event labels that have been demonstrated to impact performance and work satisfaction.
• “Hope” – Providing positive feedback on setting, planning strategies to achieve, and achieving goals/subgoals
• “Resilience” – Providing positive feedback for attempting difficult tasks multiple times, identifying barriers, determining actions based on failures
• “Optimism” – Providing positive feedback on realistic evaluations of their own behavior and environments, identifying the value of their accomplishments
• “Self-efficacy” – Providing positive feedback on independent task completion, autonomy, problem solving
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Supervision – Work Enjoyment Biagi
Example: During her routine performance monitoring, Skye observes Jabari on the trainee computer, getting frustrated as he repeatedly made errors in the formulas he was inputting into a spreadsheet. She walks up behind him and asks him what’s wrong. He says that he’s getting frustrated with the spreadsheet. Skye says:
“Every time you have made a spreadsheet in the past, your work has paid off – they are always SO helpful and make everyone’s jobs easier. You’ve been plugging away at this spreadsheet all morning, and you haven’t given up. Do you know how amazing that is? I know it’s frustrating when the formulas don’t work right away, and you have me and other team members to lean on if you need us or need a break.”
Jabari takes a deep breath and nods. “Thanks,” he says. “I think I’ll step away for a minute and see if any of the other trainees have any thoughts.”
“That’s a great idea,” Skye says. “Want some coffee? I’m about to grab a cup from the break room.”
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Supervision – Work Enjoyment Biagi
Remember: Positive feedback can only be labeled as a ____________ if we have specific performance data that demonstrates an _________ in behaviors related to the feedback.
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Supervision – Work Enjoyment Biagi
Example: Ken, a supervising BCBA and business owner, wanted to provide positive feedback to a staff member for volunteering for extra tasks. He decides that he will provide the feedback during the all-staff meeting later in the week, hoping it will not only provide positive reinforcement for the staff member, but also encourage others to volunteer more.
At the meeting, he spotlights the staff member, saying, “Maria has taken it upon herself to take on some additional responsibilities, and we want to publicly thank her for doing so. Maria is an amazing performer, and you all can learn a lot from her!” Maria’s performance plummets in the following weeks, and soon after, she resigns from the organization.
What happened?This content is protected and may not be shared, uploaded, or distributed other than what has been authorized by the University of West Florida..
Supervision – Work Enjoyment Biagi
Example: During her exit interview, Maria mentions that she was really embarrassed by the public ”positive” feedback. After the meeting, her peers (who also attend class with at her university) began isolating her, saying that she was a “brown-noser” and that she was ”the favorite” of the supervisors.
If Ken had asked Maria how she would prefer to receive her positive feedback, he would have found out that private acknowledgement would have been perfectly sufficient to maintain her behavior. Public feedback (either positive OR constructive) is NOT recommended unless a staff has identified a preference for feedback delivered that way. When in doubt, ask!
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Supervision – Work Enjoyment Biagi
Amari, a new BCBA supervisor, has an email scheduled to be sent to staff telling them
“good job” once a week. This violates Daniels’ feedback guideline of:
Checking in:
a. Make it personal b. Make it immediate c. Make it frequent d. Make it earned e. All of these
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Supervision – Work Enjoyment Biagi
Identifying Effective Reinforcers
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Supervision – Work Enjoyment Biagi
Reinforcers at Work Determining strategies for motivating staff is absolutely essential for any supervisor. Environmental
changes that increase staff behavior are key to creating a workplace of “_____ to” vs. “______ to”, but many supervisors struggle with determining how to find and integrate reinforcement strategies into their
Through all different types of positive reinforcers, we can cultivate work-related and prosocial behavior of staff, increase the quality of services, reduce motivational issues, mitigate poor reactions to change, and
create higher-quality relationships between supervisors and the folks they supervise. This content is protected and may not be shared, uploaded, or distributed other than what has been authorized by the University of West Florida..
Supervision – Work Enjoyment Biagi
Individualization • Every person is interested in and willing to work for different things in
an organization.
• This is based upon their own _____, their history of reinforcement, their goals, wants, and needs, and much more.
• Many times, supervisors choose reinforcement for their staff based upon:
• What the supervisor ___________ if they were the staff member • What a _________ would indicate a staff member would be
interested (think “generational differences”)
• Neither of these strategies is effective in determining reinforcers for employees!
• Additionally, many supervisors make the same reinforcers available to all staff, without individualizing, because it’s easier.
• Easier, though, does not mean ‘___________’.
Challenge 1:
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Supervision – Work Enjoyment Biagi
• Reinforcers, by definition, MUST _________ behavior! • Many supervisors provide “reinforcement&#x