Clinical Judgment: Critical Thinking & Learning Strategies Paper Grading Rubric for Academic & Professional Papers
Student Name: Grade:
Introduction of Topic
An introduction is the first paragraph of a formal paper and has an important role in writing an effective and professional paper.
The main goal of an introduction is to let the reader know the topic that the paper will cover.
The thesis statement included in the introduction and is the last sentence, and it informs the reader the specific purse or main argument of the paper.
Poor/Incomplete 0 – 10 Points
The introduction is inadequate and/or needs work.
The thesis statement is inadequate or missing.
Fair 11– 15 Points
The introduction is adequate, however does not hold the reader’s attention and does not clearly explain the purpose of the paper.
The thesis statement is not well developed and does not clearly state the purpose of the paper.
Good 16 – 20 points
Very effective introduction, and includes sufficient background information about the purpose of the paper.
The introduction establishes the relevance and the main goal of informing the reader about the topic the paper will cover.
The Thesis Statement is very well developed informs the reader the specific purse or main argument of the paper.
Body of Paper
Write a specific and detailed summary of the planned health teaching and educational activities including all the teaching strategies utilized for the teaching plan.
Poor/Incomplete 0-10 Points
Little or no discussion regarding the assigned topic
Fair 11-20 Points
Minimal discussion regarding topic and questions to be developed for the writing assignment
Good 21- 30 Points
Very well developed & written and detailed summary of the topic
Described how ethical decision-making and critical thinking are essential to make effective nursing clinical judgments to deliver safe, competent care. Discussed how Ethical reasoning within nursing is applicable for organizational barriers and communication.
The purpose of the conclusion of a paper is to restate the main argument or purpose of the paper.
The conclusion reminds the reader of the strengths of the main argument and repeats the most important evidence supporting the purpose of the professional paper.
Poor/Incomplete 0- 10 Points
The conclusion is missing
The conclusion is inadequate and/or needs work.
Fair 11 – 15 Points
The conclusion only summarizes the main point and simply only repeats the introduction / thesis statement.
Conclusion is present, however is inadequate and does not effectively provide closure to the paper,
Good 16 – 20 points
Very effective conclusion, which summarizes the main purpose of the paper and provides closure to the professional paper.
The conclusion summarizes the main argument or purpose of the paper.
Peer review and evidence-based article provided by faculty
Nursing textbooks should also be utilized for this assignment & cited appropriately per APA Format 7th ed on the reference page.
Learning Strategies for Critical Thinking in Nursing – Jean LaBauve, Learning Specialist. YouTube Video
Poor/Incomplete 0- 4 Points
Did not utilize the required sources required to complete the writing assignment.
Fair 5 – 7 Points
Student does not utilize the EBP article when developing and writing the paper
Student did not fully utilize the course textbooks, develop the paper.
Student did not fully utilize the assigned You-Tube video.
Good 8 – 10 Points
Student utilized the Peer review and evidence-based article provided by faculty and incorporated the information to develop the paper
Student utilized the course textbooks Boggs, 2023 and incorporated the information to develop the paper.
Student utilized the assigned You-Tube video and incorporated the information to develop the paper.
Organization of Paper
Thesis statement
The body of the paper
Writing Mechanics: Proper grammar is necessary for credibility, readability, communication, and clarity when writing professional and academic papers.
Spelling through the paper has been checked and is correct.
Word Choices and Vocabulary & Grammar are appropriate for an academic and professional paper. The words should bring the paper to life.
Punctuation allows the author to organize thoughts and share ideas when writing, Capitalization and punction symbols should be utilized correctly.
Sentence structure should be smooth and coherent. Sentence structure should be well developed with correct punctuation and vocabulary.
Paragraphs development plays an important role as it provides a framework for organizing ideas in a logical order.
Poor/Incomplete 0 – 4 Points
The academic/professional paper is not organized correctly.
Missing introduction and /or no conclusion
The body of the paper has is confusing, not logical and does not flow and has not met all requirements of the guidelines.
Poor vocabulary, many grammatical and spelling mistakes,
Word choice inappropriate for academic paper.
Academically inappropriate for a college level writing assignment.
Punctuation is incorrect and misplaced, poor or incomplete paragraph development and many spelling errors.
Academically inappropriate for a college level writing assignment
Sentence structure is incomplete, choppy, vague and awkward.
Paragraph development is incomplete and transitions are not consistent.
Fair 5 – 7 Points
The academic/professional paper is not organized correctly.
Thesis/Purpose statement not clear
The body of the paper has logical flow and has met all requirements.
Flow of thought is evident, not consistent and does not does not flow throughout the paper.
Vocabulary is not of academic standards, grammatical mistakes, misplaced punctuation, incomplete paragraph development and spelling errors. Word choices need attention, needs more development.
Word choices are awkward and vague throughout the paper
Punction, capitalization, symbols and spelling are incorrect, a few errors, needs improvement to be appropriate for a college level writing assignment.
Sentence structure is complete, however is choppy, vague and awkward. Needs improvement. Academically inappropriate for a college level writing assignment.
Paragraph development is incomplete and transitions are not consistent and does not transition well, is choppy and needs improvement.
Good 8 – 10 Points
The academic/professional paper is organized correctly. introduction, body, and conclusion are well written, very clear and strong.
The Thesis statement clear and concise.
The body of the paper has logical flow and has met all requirements.
Logical flow of thought through the introduction, body, and the conclusion of the paper.
Vocabulary & Grammar, spelling, punctuation and paragraph development well written.
Appropriate and correct word choices, throughout the paper.
Appropriate and correct voice demonstrated in writing; academic paper written in the third person.
Punction, capitalization, symbols and spelling are correct and appropriate for a college level writing assignment.
Sentence structure smooth, skillful, coherent and mature throughout the paper. Academically appropriate for a college level writing assignment
Paragraph development complete and well developed, with smooth transitions and are consistent, throughout the paper
APA Format: 7th edition
Title Page
· Author/Student name
· Byline
· Page number
· Margins
· 12 Font
· Times Roman or Arial
· Page Numbering
· Title of paper on first page.
· Level Headings
· Spacing- double spacing
Reference Page
Citations in paper
Is a restatement of the meaning of a text or phrase using other words and citing appropriately?
Poor/Incomplete 0-to 3 Points
Greater than 5 Errors
Title page incorrect
Formatting incorrect
Reference Page incorrect
Citations incorrect
Paraphrasing incorrect
Quotations incorrect
Fair 4 to 7 Points
1 to 4 Errors
Title page incorrect
Formatting incorrect
Reference Page incorrect
Citations incorrect
Paraphrasing incorrect
Quotations incorrect
Good 8 to 10 Points
1 Error
Title page is formatted correctly
Paper is formatted correctly meeting all requirements for APA 7th ed.
Reference Page is formatted correctly meeting all requirements for APA 7th ed.
Citations are correct throughout the paper meeting all requirements for APA 7th ed.
Paraphrasing correct throughout the paper meeting all requirements for APA 7th ed
Quotations are correct throughout the paper meeting all requirements for APA 7th ed