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LU08 Assignment: What’s Happening in Today’s Sports? Assignment

MGT 220: Introduction to Sport Management Learning Unit 8: Assignment

LU08 Assignment: What’s Happening in Today’s Sports? Assignment

Follow the directions below to complete your unit assignment:

1. Research online into what is happening in today’s sports. Select a sports-related article and

apply it to one or more of the concepts within the chapters covered in the learning unit. Include

a link to the article at the bottom of the assignment.

2. Remember to include your last name in the file name and attach in the “What’s Happening in

Today’s Sports?” Assignment submission area in the learning unit.

3. The format for the response to the prompt is as follows:

• one page, typed—approximately 250 words

• 11-12-point font

• double-spaced

4. The response is to be relatively free of distracting mechanical and grammatical errors.

5. The response must provide sufficient evidence and/or explanation.

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