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LS 5083 Foundations of Library and Information Studies: M1A1 References and Citations

M1A1 References and Citations
Part 1 of 3. Evaluating references
In this section you will review a reference and describe why it does or does not follow APA style. Be thorough in your analysis to receive full points. NOTE: It is unnecessary to track down the original source to see if the information included is correct; assume the information included is factual, and only judge each reference by its adherence to APA (7th) style.
Please review the following reference:
Murdock, Graham, and Peter Golding. “Information Poverty and Political Inequality: Citizenship in the Age of Privatized Communications.” Journal of Communication 39.3 (1989): 180–195.
Does this citation follow APA style? Why or why not?

Please review the following reference:
McCluskey, Margaret. 2014. “Transforming Libraries, Building Communities: The Community Centred Library.” Australian Academic & Research Libraries 45 (1): 75–76. doi:10.1080/00048623.2014.888977.
Does this citation follow APA style? Why or why not?

Please review the following reference:
Jones, R. (2020). Social justice in library science programs: A content analysis approach. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 52(4), 1102-1109.
Does this citation follow APA style? Why or why not?

Part 2 of 3. Creating references
In this section, you will create a reference using APA style.
Create a reference for the Rubin textbook used in this course:

Journal Article
Create a reference for the article you downloaded with this assignment template:

Search for “How COVID-19 Has Transformed Reference Services for Public and Academic Libraries”
Create a reference for that page:

Part 3 of 3. In-text citations
In this section, you will create in-text citations for the given references. The given reference provides you with enough information to craft the citation: it is unnecessary to acquire the materials referenced. You do not need to create sentences; I only want the citation.

Here is a reference:
Westbrook, L. (2015). “I’m not a social worker”: An information service model for working with patrons in crisis. The Library Quarterly, 85(1), 6–25.
Create a citation that could be used at the end of a sentence or as an in-text citation when paraphrasing or quoting something from the reference:
Create an in-text citation for this reference using the author’s name as part of your sentence:

Here is a reference:
Adkins, D., & Bushman, B. (2015). A special needs approach: A study of wow libraries can start programs for children with disabilities. Children & Libraries, 13(3), 28–33.
Create a citation that could be used at the end of a sentence or as an in-text citation when paraphrasing or quoting something from the reference:
Create an in-text citation for this reference using the authors’ names as part of your sentence:

Here is a reference:
Castek, J., Pendell, K., Jacobs, G., Pizzolato, D., Withers, E., & Reder, S. (2015). Volunteers in an adult literacy library program: Digital literacy acquisition case study. Research Briefs and Case Studies.
Create a citation that could be used at the end of a sentence or as an in-text citation when paraphrasing something from the reference:
Create an in-text citation for this reference using the authors’ names as part of your sentence:

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