Literary Analysis ENGL 2328 Flores Choose ONE of the writing prompts below write a 600-750 word documented essay. Word count does not include the Works Cited page. Remember this is an essay and should follow the guidelines for one. You need an introductory paragraph that establishes the context of the essay and ends with a strong thesis statement. You also need carefully developed body paragraphs that use examples and quotes from the text and the secondary source(s), which support the main idea that you have stated in your thesis. Finally, end with a conclusion that ties everything together. It is a requirement of this paper that you cite from the literature and sources in your paper to support your ideas. The sources do not take the place of your explanations or analysis, so you should not rely on too many quotes or paraphrases. Choose your secondary source material judiciously. Your paper needs to be written according to MLA format. This applies to heading, margin and line spacing, in-text citation, and the Works Cited page. Please refamiliarize yourself with MLA guidelines. As you write, remember to maintain formal tone and style throughout the paper. Avoid use of first person and second person. Do not use clichés or contractions. Be mindful of spelling errors and grammatical mistakes. Since this is a sophomore level college course, your writing will be assessed according to sophomore level college standards. Beware of summarization!!! You don’t want to re-tell the plot!!! Prompt #1: Minority Voices • Choose one of the works below to answer the following question: What does the work reveal about the state of minorities in America during the time the piece of literature was written and why is that significant? o A work from Chopin listed on the syllabus o Washington’s Up from Slavery o A work from Wharton listed on the syllabus o Glaspell’s Trifles o A poem from Hughes listed on the syllabus o Hurston’s “Sweat” o Anaya’s Bless Me, Ultima o Walker’s “Everyday Use” o A work by Rich listed on the syllabus o Cisneros’s “Woman Hollering Creek” o Diaz’s “Drown” Prompt #2: The American Hero during Realism • What characteristics does an American hero possess during the period of Realism in American Literature and why? Choose one work from the list below to analyze and answer the question: o One poem from Dickinson covered in class o One short work from Twain covered in class o One short story from Chopin covered in class o Chief Joseph’s “An Indian’s Views on Indian Affairs” o or Washington’s Up from Slavery Prompt #3: Survival of the Fittest • Analyze one of the following works as an example of the ideals of Naturalism. What does the work reveal about the ever-changing American identity and the shift in the developing American nation? o One work covered in class from Wharton o London’s “To Build a Fire” Prompt #4: The American Hero during the Modernist Period • What characteristics does an American hero possess in the Modernist Period of American Literature and how do those traits reflect the new America and the new direction of the country? Choose one work from the list below to analyze and answer the question: o One poem from Frost covered in class o Glaspell’s Trifles o One story from Hemingway covered in class o One poem from Hughes covered in class o One work from Hurston covered in class Prompt #5: The Harlem Renaissance • What theme threads through the literature of the Harlem Renaissance and what does it reveal about race relations in America during the mid-20th Century? Choose one work from Hughes or Hurston to answer this question. Prompt #6: Postmodernism • What characteristics does an American hero possess during the Postmodern Period of American Literature and how do those traits reflect the trajectory of the individual within American society? Choose one work from the list below to analyze and answer the question: o O’Connor’s “Good Country People” o Cheever’s “The Swimmer” o Anaya’s Bless Me, Ultima o Walker’s “Everyday Use” o One poem from Rich covered in class o Cisneros’s “Woman Hollering Creek” o Diaz’s “Drown” Assignment Requirements: 1. Your paper must be 600-750 words in length. Anything shorter will automatically fail. The word count does not include the Works Cited page. 2. Your paper should be double spaced and all paragraphs should be indented 3. Papers must include 1 primary sources (the literature being analyzed) and 24 secondary sources (the scholarly books and articles that analyze the literature); this means the paper should have a total of at least 3 sources overall but no more than 5. Papers with less than 3 sources will automatically fail. Papers with more than 5 sources will suffer a 30-point deduction for each source over the maximum. a. Sources CANNOT come from: i. The Internet ii. Dissertation Abstracts from Dissertation Abstracts International or any other abstract source iii. Masterplots or any other reference material, such as encyclopedias and dictionaries 4. All sources that are listed on the Works Cited page must also be cited from within the paper. A paper will automatically fail if any of the listed sources are not cited from in the paper. Not citing sources that appear on a Works Cited page is essentially plagiarism. Flores 1 Student Name, Student V# Professor Flores English 2328 Day Month Year Unique Title for Your Paper 5. Each paper needs a unique title. “A Hero Forged” is an example of a unique title. All papers should follow the format above for heading including your last name and page number in the upper right. My last name is used as an example. The Works Cited page should resemble the following: 1. Notice how the sources are listed alphabetically. The first line of each source is flush with the margin while each subsequent line is indented. Additionally, your last name and the page number should appear in the upper right corner of the paper. This should be completed in the Header/Footer Option of your computer. Flores 6 Works Cited Allen, Beatrice. American Literature. Penguin, 2010. Whitman, Walt. “Wound Dresser.” The Norton Anthology of American Literature, edited by Robert S. Levine, Vol. C, 9th ed, Norton, 2017, pp. 143-154. Zimmermann, Mike, and Zachary Gayle. “Imagery in Daisy Miller.” American Literature, vol. 4, no. 8, American Library Association, Mar. 2011, pp. 54-64. Academic Search Complete. 2. Before submitting your paper, the file should be saved as following: “Your Name— Research Paper” and it should be saved in one of the following formats: .doc or .docx, or .rtf. Canvas will not accept any other formats. 3. When you are ready to submit your paper, proceed to the Research Paper Assignment in Canvas. Follow the instructions found there for submitting your paper.
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