Joanna is a 37 year old G2P1 female who had an amniocentesis done at 16 weeks gestation. Theresa’s results show that the baby has a genetic condition, Trisomy 21.
The patient wants 1) more information on what trisomy 21 is, 2) how it occurred, 3) what risks the baby has at birth and as it grows, and 4) how she needs to prepare. What information would you provide to Joanna?
Post your initial discussion by 11:59 PM ET on Thursday. ALL posts are to be 1) a minimum of 250 words (excluding the references), 2) scholarly written, 3) APA formatted (with some exceptions due to limitations in the D2L editor), 4) run thru Turnitin with score < 24%, and 5) be supported by a minimum of 2 references (one of which may include the course textbook and the other must be a peer reviewed article no more than 5 years old ).
Reply to at least one classmate's initial discussion post by Saturday at 11:59 PM ET. The initial discussion post and discussion response should occur on two different calendar days of each electronic week. These are not the complete instructions for participating in discussions. See the "Grading Rubric for Online Discussions – 500 level" found in the Course Resources module.