Discussion 1 – Issues in Joint Planning
In this assignment you will examine a range of factors that influence joint planning. Based on the prerequisite courses, this assignment affords you the opportunity to deepen your understanding of, and explore in more detail, important ideas such as strategy, specific joint planning concepts, and the range of operational environments in which joint planning is applied. This refresher, through on-online discussion format, will be important later in this course.
Provide a 400- to 500-word response to your instructor-assigned question and respond to at least one posting in each of the other two groups, for a total of no fewer than three posts. Additional follow-on posts are allowable and encouraged. Comply with the following guidance:
• Initial Post: Fully answer the question and ensure your post is well written. Your support can be based on information presented in the course or logical explanation. In both cases you must display an accurate understanding of course concepts and information.
• Follow-on Posts: Specifically consider and comment on the accuracy, relevance, and completeness of your peers’ posts. Be sure to ask questions and make recommendations where appropriate.
The Competition Continuum is a key concept that illustrates the spectrum of cooperation, competition, and conflict that military forces may plan for and encounter, as outlined in joint doctrine.
Briefly describe the competition continuum. Illustrate through example how planners at USINDOPACOM could be involved in planning cooperation, competition, and conflict operations at the same time.