In this assignment, you will complete the Evidence Paper which is the draft of the Dissemination of Evidence Video Presentation. Use the APA student paper template provided to write this paper.
Review your instructor response to your clinical question on the Week 4 discussion board for guidance before you start this assignment.
To promote success, it is recommended that you send your clinical question that includes a nursing intervention within your scope of practice and 3 research articles as an attachment via email to your instructor for review by Wednesday in week 4.
Use this template: Evidence Paper Template 11.2023.docxOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReader Download Evidence Paper Template 11.2023.docxOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReader
- The clinical question should be written using the intervention format: In elderly patients (P), how does the implementation of a fall risk protocol (I) compared to none (C), affect the number of falls (O) within hospitalization (T)?
- Use your clinical question to create keywords and complete a literature search using the Galen library database. Start early in the week so that you can contact the Galen librarian for guidance on searching the databases as needed. The librarians are available online via live chat or by placing a support ticket.
- Find and save full text (PDF) of 3 research articles (primary or secondary research studies based on high levels of evidence) dated within the past 5 years. Do not use lower levels of evidence articles such as quality improvement project, scoping review, literature review or integrative review.
- Select articles that show your nursing intervention is effective in achieving your desired outcome stated in your clinical question. For example, if you plan to implement yoga as a nursing intervention to enhance weight loss, all 3 studies must find (reported under the results/findings section) that yoga is an effective weight-loss strategy. If you cannot find studies to support your intervention and outcome, consider the need to edit your intervention and outcome within the clinical question. Then, repeat the literature search using the revised keywords.
- Use a total of 4 sources, including the 3 research articles and the assigned course textbook.
- Use 1 to 2 short, direct quotes and multiple paraphrases as supportive evidence throughout the paper with in-text citations and matching references formatted in APA style.
- Each short, direct quote should contain less than 20 words.
- Each paragraph should contain a minimum of 4 sentences and a maximum of 6 to 8 sentences.
Evidence Paper
Your Name
Galen College of Nursing
NSG 4000: Application of Evidence-Based Research
Instructor’s Name
Assignment Due Date
Delete all yellow highlighted text from this template and replace them with your content.
Evidence Paper
Start your paper with your introduction here. Do not use introduction as a heading. In one paragraph, introduce your nurse-related topic of interest, describe your interest in the topic, and include the purpose of the paper. Use evidence from the articles to introduce the topic. Throughout this paper, each paragraph must contain a minimum of four sentences and a maximum of six to eight sentences. This paper should be four pages long and have a maximum of two direct quotes with multiple paraphrased sentences cited in APA format.
Clinical Question
State the clinical question in one sentence.
In one paragraph, discuss one reason why this topic should be investigated and provide an in-text citation to support your claims for the reason.
Paraphrase the three research articles to report a summary of the studies. Do not use direct quotes within the summaries. Paraphrase each article using your own words with in-text citations. See the assignment directions and grading rubric for what content should be included. This section should contain a total of three paragraphs (one for each study), and each paragraph should have six to eight sentences.
In one paragraph, consider the findings from the three articles and discuss two recommendations for enhancing clinical practice at the bedside. Support each recommendation with evidence from the articles by providing in-text citations.
In one paragraph, provide a concise summary of the paper and state how the evidence you found supports your clinical question (do not include new information). Write this section using your own words, and do not use sources. Review the assignment directions and grading rubric to ensure that you have met all of the criteria for this paper.
Provide the full reference for the required four sources (3 articles and course textbook) in APA format. The references page will include a hanging indentation for each source. Ensure that each reference has a corresponding in-text citation. See your APA Manual and the APA resources posted to the course for reference formatting.