Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Imagine that you are the head of the Safety department at a facility that produces electronics and handles beryllium - Tutorie

Imagine that you are the head of the Safety department at a facility that produces electronics and handles beryllium

Imagine that you are the head of the Safety department at a facility that produces electronics and handles beryllium. You are responsible for preparing a training seminar presentation for a group of managers at your facility. This training needs to be in depth and detailed as the managers are required to have a thorough understanding of the materials to be able to properly oversee and prevent hazards in their individual areas.

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation that discusses the following:

Discuss the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of beryllium.
Common routes of exposure and effects of beryllium.
Explain the bioaccumulation of metals as it affects ecology and humans.

Be sure to summarize information in your own words as much as possible because the managers at your facility are not scientists. Utilize at least four visual aids that directly correlate to your discussion to clarify information. Visual aids may be in the form of pictures, flow charts, tables, or diagrams. Include a minimum of two credible sources.

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