Imagine that you are a tutor and the following four people have come to you for assistance. Read the following four case studies and choose one as the focus for your assignment. You’ll create a lesson plan for that student using the Lesson Plan Template.
In your plan consider the student’s age and circumstances and the nature of the problem or problems. Narrow in on an educational goal for the student that you can assist with as the tutor.
Hint, you may notice more than one concern with each student. Choose one area and goal for your lesson plan. You do not need to cover all concerns presented.
Hua is a seven-year-old second grader. She lives with her parents, her older sister, and her infant brother. She excels in her academic work, and even is beyond most of the students in her class in reading. She is reading chapter books and loves to take books home from the library to read them.
The children in Ms. Miller’s class are required to read in small groups of four students, and sometimes the entire class takes turns in reading a book out loud. Hua refuses to read aloud with the class and in her small group. Hua moves to a desk by herself to read.
Hua’s parents say that she reads aloud to them at night but stops reading when her older sister enters the room. Ms. Miller has referred Hua to you to see if there is something you can do to help Hua move past what may be interfering with her ability to read in front of others.
Amir is eleven-years old and is in the sixth grade. Amir is one of three brothers who all attend the same school. They live near the school with their parents and they walk or ride their bikes to school. Amir enjoys video games and riding his bike around the neighborhood and to the creek near their home. His parents have to limit his time with video games or he would play them for hours a day. He often gets angry when they let him know his time on gaming is up for the day.
Amir struggles with math. When Amir does his homework, he does well in all subjects except math. However, he often loses his homework or forgets to submit it. He has had to retake math due to failing the course and because he has not submitted some of the work. His parents have consulted you to see if you can help Amir with success in math and in getting organized with getting his homework completed and turned in.
Micah is a fifteen-year-old sophomore in high school. He doesn’t make friends easily and often avoids engaging in talking to or spending time with other kids his age. He earns mostly Cs in his classes with an occasional B or D. He completes his homework most of the time, but avoids sports and extracurricular activities. He seems to have an interest in mechanics and does have a good relationship with his shop teacher – the one subject in which he earned an A. His mom and stepdad are concerned about Micah’s lack of interest in being social and his mediocre performance in school. They are concerned that his lack of motivation in school and friends will mean a lack of direction in his future after high school. They are asking for help in finding ways to get him to either engage in his studies or engage socially.
Alicia is a twenty-five-year-old freshman studying psychology at an online college. She is a single mother of a two-year-old boy. She works full-time in the kitchen at a rehabilitation center and her son goes to daycare. Although she lives an hour away, sometimes Alicia’s mom will watch her son if she is ill and unable to go to daycare. At other times her mom will babysit to give Alicia a chance to get her homework done, especially when she has a paper due.
Despite her mom’s occasional help, Alicia finds herself overwhelmed and unable to focus on her homework. When her mom is babysitting, Alicia sometimes finds that she just wants to take that opportunity to take a nap or binge her favorite shows. She forces herself to complete the paper when she feels the pressure of the deadline. She knows it is not her best work when she waits so long to get started, but she finds herself avoiding even looking at what is required because it causes her stress and anxiety. She is asking for help on how to get organized and how to get started on her course work.