Follow rubric Verbatim
Type 2 diabetes
What to Submit
Your submission should include a 4- to 6-slide PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes and a 2- to 4-page Word document with your consolidated speaker notes. Use a clear, professional font and appropriate PowerPoint presentation slide design. For your Word document, you should use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
IHP 670 Module Seven Activity Guidelines and Rubric
A culturally competent healthcare program acknowledges the importance of culture, recognizes the poten�al impact of cultural differences, adapts to cultural knowledge and beliefs, and
designs services to meet culturally unique needs. To design and plan programs that address cultural diversity, a program planner must be aware of cultural competency, health literacy, and
ethical and social jus�ce principles.
The team you’re working with to plan and eventually implement your chosen health or healthcare program (the same program you will present in your course project in Module Nine) is
looking for addi�onal details about how ethical and social jus�ce principles will be integrated into the program. They also want to know more about how cultural competence and health
literacy will be promoted. To provide them this informa�on, you have been asked to put together a brief presenta�on to share with the team at your next mee�ng.
This ac�vity will help you determine the importance of cultural competence and health literacy in program planning. Also, it will help you apply social jus�ce and ethical principles to your
program. You will use findings from this assignment to explain the socioeconomic factors of program planning in your course project presenta�on.
Create a PowerPoint presenta�on with embedded speaker notes to describe how you will iden�fy and address cultural and other socioeconomic diversi�es for your target popula�on.
Include your speaker notes as a Word document, either downloaded from your presenta�on or created separately, with slide numbers accompanying each slide note.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
1. Health Literacy: Describe which elements of your program ensure health literacy among the targeted popula�on. Consider the following ques�ons to guide your response:
How would lack of health literacy impact the pa�ents and the program’s ac�vi�es?
How would health literacy among the targeted popula�on improve the program’s ability to achieve its outcomes?
2. Cultural Competence: Describe how you would make your program sensi�ve to various cultural prac�ces and beliefs. Consider the following ques�ons to guide your response:
Why is cultural competency one of the essen�al skills for a program planner?
How does your program address racial and economic dispari�es that are impac�ng your target popula�ons’ healthcare needs?
3. Social Jus�ce Principles: Describe how you would apply social jus�ce principles to your program planning and how their inclusion would help improve the program’s ability to achieve
its outcomes. Consider the following ques�ons to guide your response:
Why is social jus�ce important in the planning and implementa�on of healthcare programs?
Which two social jus�ce principles does your program consider, and why does it consider them?
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4. Key Ethical Principles: Describe how your program sa�sfies key ethical principles and how including these principles would help your target popula�on. Consider the following
ques�ons to guide your response:
How does your program sa�sfy the principles of beneficence, nonmaleficence, autonomy, and jus�ce?
What are two poten�al challenges you might face in applying ethical principles to your program’s plan and design?
Note that all the claims in your deliverable should be evidence based. Your cita�ons should be from your independent search for evidence (not from the scenario, textbook, or module
resources) of credible sources and be current within the last five years. You are required to cite a minimum of two sources, at least one of which should be separate from your own research.
Refer to the Shapiro Library Guide: Nursing—Graduate located in the Start Here sec�on of the course for addi�onal support. If you need wri�ng support, access the Online Wri�ng Center
through the Academic Support module of your course.
What to Submit
Your submission should include a 4- to 6-slide PowerPoint presenta�on with speaker notes and a 2- to 4-page Word document with your consolidated speaker notes. Use a clear,
professional font and appropriate PowerPoint presenta�on slide design. For your Word document, you should use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins.
Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Supporting Materials
The following resource supports your work on the project:
Reading: PowerPoint Speaker Notes Tutorial
Use this resource for help with adding speaker notes to your presenta�on.
Module Seven Activity Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Health Literacy Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear and
insigh�ul manner, using
industry-specific language
Describes the elements of the
program that ensure health
literacy among the targeted
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
Does not a�empt criterion 15
Cultural Competence Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear and
insigh�ul manner, using
industry-specific language
Describes how a program could
be made sensi�ve to different
cultural prac�ces and beliefs
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
Does not a�empt criterion 20
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Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Social Jus�ce Principles Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear and
insigh�ul manner, using
industry-specific language
Describes how social jus�ce
principles would be applied to
the program’s plan and how
their inclusion would help
improve the program’s ability
to achieve its outcomes
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Key Ethical Principles Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear and
insigh�ul manner, using
industry-specific language
Describes how the program
sa�sfies key ethical principles
and how including these
principles would help the
target popula�on
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear and
insigh�ul manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
well-designed presenta�on
slides, correct grammar,
sentence structure, and
spelling, demonstra�ng an
understanding of audience and
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
presenta�on slide design,
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
presenta�on slide design,
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Professional Sources Incorporates more than two
professional, current (within
the last five years) sources, or
use of sources is excep�onally
Incorporates two professional,
current (within the last five
years) sources that support
Incorporates fewer than two
professional, current (within
the last five years) sources, or
not all sources support claims
Does not incorporate sources 10
APA Style Formats in-text cita�ons and
reference list according to APA
style with no errors
Formats in-text cita�ons and
reference list according to APA
style with fewer than five
Formats in-text cita�ons and
reference list according to APA
style with five or more errors
Does not format in-text
cita�ons and reference list
according to APA style
Total: 100%
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PowerPoint Speaker Notes Tutorial This tutorial will show you how to create speaker notes for a PowerPoint presentation. You will also learn how to save and convert the speaker notes to a Word file for submission.
Creating Speaker Notes
1. From the menu ribbon, click on the View tab.
2. By default, the “Presentation View” should be Normal. Select Normal if it is not already selected. From the “Show” submenu, select Notes. This will display the box for speaker notes at the bottom of each slide.
Saving and Exporting Speaker Notes
1. Ensure your PowerPoint presentation is completed, including all of your slides and speaker
notes. On the View tab, make sure that the Normal and Notes options are selected.
2. Click on the File tab of the menu ribbon. The menu options will open in a pane on the left of the screen.
3. In the File menu options, select Export.
4. From the Export submenu, select Create Handouts. Then click the Create Handouts button. This will bring you back to your PowerPoint slides, where you will see a dialog box.
5. In the dialog box, choose the option Notes below slides. This will allow the content on each slide to be more visible and readable. Check to make sure that the Paste option is selected under “Add Slides to Microsoft Word document.” Then click OK to begin the conversion.
6. The conversion may take some time to run, depending on the size of your presentation. When the conversion is finished, Microsoft Word will open with a document containing each slide and any speaker notes underneath.
7. Add your name to the Word document containing your slides and speaker notes. Save and submit this file, along with any other deliverables for your assignment, in the assignment submission area in your course.