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IHP 610 Module Ten Journal Guidelines and Rubric

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What to Submit

Your submission should be a 1- to 2-page Word document, with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and 1-inch margins.

IHP 610 Module Ten Journal Guidelines and Rubric


In this course, you have explored various concepts and principles related to public health, health law, health policy, �nance, and risk management. You also learned how stakeholders and

interest groups in�uence health policies and laws.

Now, it is time to re�ect on how the key learnings from this course can be applied to your career. This assignment is a wonderful opportunity for you to review your own journey throughout

this course. Speci�cally, think about how this course has helped shape your view on health policies and laws, as well as how stakeholders in�uence and are in�uenced by said health policies and



Create a journal to re�ect on the knowledge and skills you have gained in this course and how these may apply to your career.

Speci�cally, you must address the following rubric criteria:

1. Course Knowledge: Describe your overall experience in this course, including new information learned. Consider the following questions in your response:

How has your perception of health policies and laws changed since beginning Module One?

How has your perception of stakeholders’ in�uence on health policies and laws changed since beginning Module One?

2. Career Growth: Describe how understanding health policies and laws can help further your career in healthcare. Consider the following questions in your response:

How will you apply the knowledge and skills learned in this course to your career or to future courses in this program?

3. Career Opportunities: Describe two potential career opportunities involving health policies and laws. Consider the following questions in your response:

How would these two career opportunities help you reach your personal goals?

Has your perception of your ideal healthcare job changed during this course? If so, how? If not, why not?

What to Submit

Your submission should be a 1- to 2-page Word document, with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and 1-inch margins.


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Module Ten Journal Rubric

Criteria Evident (100%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Course Knowledge Describes overall experience in this course, including new topics


Does not attempt criterion 30

Career Growth Describes how understanding health policies and law can help

further a career in healthcare

Does not attempt criterion 30

Career Opportunities Describes two potential career opportunities involving health

policies and law

Does not attempt criterion 30

Articulation of Response Clearly conveys meaning with correct grammar, sentence

structure, and spelling, demonstrating an understanding of

audience and purpose

Submission has critical errors in grammar, sentence structure, and

spelling, preventing understanding of ideas


Total: 100%

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