Assignment Parameters (67 points of overall grade)
1. Read Chapter 4, including the Case Study Analysis on pages 134-138 of the Hill & Lynn textbook (Austin Energy). It is not necessary for you to read all of the examples, unless you find them helpful.
2. Use the chapter to answer the questions below (in blue).
3. Question #1
Page 138 Discussion Question #1 – How would you describe the “logic of governance” for Austin Energy? PLEASE NOTE: Use Figure 4.2 on p.133 and the applicable steps a-g.
Describe both versions of this “logic of governance”: 1. Current governance model and 2. Proposed governance model. How do they differ?
Page Limit Minimum and Maximum: 2-3 pages
Clearly delineate talking about both models, by discussing them separately. Include a final concluding paragraph on how they differ from each other. Include the page number for where the instance of the challenge is discussed in Chapter Four.
4. Grading Guidelines:
a. Font: Calibri (Body) 12
b. Single space within paragraphs and double space between paragraphs
c. Include a title page
i. Includes a statement per syllabus: “No part of the work was generated with AI.”
d. Cite all page numbers as appropriate (cite text authors followed by page #)
i. It is not necessary to cite the page numbers regarding the Case Study information itself.
e. Complied with page limit
f. Free of typographical and grammatical errors
g. Appropriate content
o Completely respond to topic;
o Discussion should focus on the answers specifically and minimize multiple restatements of the case
o Explanation of ideas is clear, well-reasoned
o Demonstrate an understanding of course material relevant to topic
h. You will upload a document for the assignment submittal in a doc or docx format. (If you need another format, reach out to me).