For this assignment you will develop an essay in Word as an overview on pharmaceutical and non pharmaceutical care in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Levels of headings within the paper to include:
First a brief introduction (should not be a heading)
GERD Defined
Briefly define the condition. Include content related to anatomy, symptoms and diagnostic techniques.
Lifestyle modifications
Include lifestyle management with 4-5 general points of patient education of GERD lifestyle modification.
Pharmaceutical Therapeutics
Include 3 different drug classes, prescription medication modalities. 2 examples of medication per class. Drug names, class, mechanism of action as well as dose, frequency and length of therapy examples. 5-6 points of content per medication
Include 2 non- prescription, over the counter, alternative modalities. 1 example of medication per class. Drug names, class, mechanism of action as well as dose, frequency and length of therapy examples.
Include 2 naturopathic options and discuss each with dose and frequency as applicable.
Across the LifeSpan
Include aspects to manage and key points to consider across the lifespan regarding the management of this condition. Infants, school age child, adults, and the geriatric adult should be included.
Provide a summary / conclusion
Follow APA 7th edition
All essays required an introduction and conclusion.
Standard essay format with a title page.
2-4 pages of content are required
4 references are required