For this assignment, you will be asked to put yourself in the role of the Human Resources (HR) trainer for your law firm. You have been asked to provide a PowerPoint presentation for new employees in which you must discuss some of the important rules of professional responsibility. Seeing that these employees are new to your firm, you want to be sure to convey accurate, clear, and concise information at the initial orientation for employment because there could be “real world” implications. Understand though that, oftentimes, the ethical dilemma may arise from the shadows around the seemingly clear rules. If you see that, be sure to address such “shadows” to help the new employees avoid them.
In order to prepare for this assignment, you will need to review the American Bar Association Rules of Professional Responsibility.
You will prepare a PowerPoint presentation. The assignment requires a minimum of 10 slides, not including a title slide and reference slide.
When creating your presentation, you must include speaker notes or add audio to your presentation. The easiest way to do this is by using the recording feature in PowerPoint. Speaker notes are REQUIRED!
Your slides should include the following:
Part I consists of a defining and describing the unauthorized practice of law.
Part II consists of a discussion of confidentiality and the attorney client privilege.
Part III consists of defining and discussion conflicts of interest.
Part IV consists of a discussion of fees and sharing.
You must reference a minimum of two sources following APA (if you are not a Legal Studies student) or Bluebook (if you are a Legal Studies Student) format.
Please do not copy and paste the rules of professional conduct. You need to incorporate the rules of professional conduct into your presentation, but your presentation must show creativity and originality to earn full credit. Make sure to include photos, charts, graph, and or color to enhance the quality and creativity of your presentation.
To create as perfect as possible presentation, be sure to review the rubric before you begin your work. Pay close attention to the Exemplary column so that you will know the standards that you need to meet or exceed.