Find a news article about your assigned country, always remember your country is “Ghana”. Search on Google or use ABZY News Links at (this link will list all the news outlets in your country and identify those that are in English for you to explore).
Post will include:
1) a news article about your country (copy and paste three paragraphs of the article and a workable link so I and the other students can access the article)
2) a summary of the article,
3) a brief explanation about how the article relates to intercultural communication
4) a discussion of how the article relates to at least one of the cultural issues covered in the book World News Prism
5) a reason why you think this is an important article about your country,
6) discuss how the news in the article affects the citizens of your country and its government
7) state why you think this news is important enough to your country to share with the class