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Ethics in Education

Ethics in Education

What have you learned about ethical decision-making and resolving difficulty ethical

dilemmas? Use the key concepts from the Strike text to demonstrate your understandings.

Caring, Justice and Safety

What have you learned about the ethics of caring, respect for persons and understanding the

perspectives of the minority? (Strike, Simel, Uneven Discipline)

Equity and Advocacy and Professionalism

What have you learned about educational equity, equal opportunity and the importance of

teacher advocacy? (Anyon, Meier, Spies and Strike, Cummings, Pellino, O’Brien, Kohn)

Integration of the literature/ media

You must cite literature/authors from the assigned readings to support your responses in each

section. See the rubric for specific grading criteria.

Reflective qualities/ability to connect to one’s own experiences

Reflect on the questions and texts as they apply to your own life and your experiences. See

the rubric for specific grading criteria.

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