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Each of the Body Paragraphs of an essay consist of a topic sentence, supporting details and evidence, and a concluding sentence. This week you will build the body paragraphs of your essay.

• Begin with the topic you wrote about in the Week 2 Discussion.
• Revise and edit the topic sentences from the Week 3 Assignment.
• Use the topic sentences to begin each of the three body paragraphs.
• Add at least 2-3 sentences of supporting details and/or evidence to each of the three body paragraphs. o Research your topic in Google Scholar and/or in the Trefry Library. o Try to add a fact or statistic to each body paragraph. o When use the ideas of other authors, make sure you add citations and a Works Cited page (see Course Content). o Do not use direct quotes. We are focusing on paraphrasing ideas from outside sources in this class.
• If you need to add an in other words or a for example or an in other words sentence to explain a point of evidence, please do so.
• Add a concluding/transition sentence for each body paragraph.
• Revise and edit the three body paragraphs.
• While you must submit all three paragraphs in one MSWord document, choose only one of the body paragraphs for feedback. Please add the thesis statement to the top of the document and hand it all in by 11:59 PM EST Sunday, Week 4.

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