EHR usability is the extent to which EHR can be used by providers to achieve specific goals efficiently and effectively leading to fewer clinicians’ burnout, fewer medical errors, less alert fatigue, improved patient safety, greater user satisfaction, and consequently higher EHR-related productivity.
As an aspiring healthcare manager, you need to determine the usability of EHR and seek a grant for this research. The research proposal should include five parameters: effectiveness (task completion), efficiency (time of task completion), satisfaction (task rating), alert (pointing errors), and reminders (follow-up). For this assignment design a survey using Survey Monkey or any other applications to attain this information on a 5-point Likert Scale (1- Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3- Neutral, 4- Agree, 5- Strongly Agree) and explain:
- If the number of users is 1000 but you had limited resources, what is (%) minimal of the employees would you select for this survey to ensure representation of the user (offer supporting arguments)?
- Which of the three research methods (personal interviews, mail-in paper forms, email-embedded survey link) of obtaining this information would you use (offer rationale)?
- Which statistical method would you use to determine whether the means of these five Likert Scale groups are significantly different from one another and why?
- If the means of any of these Likert Scale groups were not statistically different from each other, but still different, what would be your interpretation of the variations?
Submit the paper and Survey Monkey link to the drop box.
Note: For Survey Monkey you need to make a free account. Submit the survey link in the dropbox for grading.
Assignment Instructions:
EHR usability is the extent to which EHR can be used by providers to achieve specific goals efficiently and effectively leading to fewer clinicians’ burnout, fewer medical errors, less alert fatigue, improved patient safety, greater user satisfaction, and consequently higher EHR-related productivity.
As an aspiring healthcare manager, you need to determine the usability of EHR and seek a grant for this research. The research proposal should include five parameters: effectiveness (task completion), efficiency (time of task completion), satisfaction (task rating), alert (pointing errors), and reminders (follow-up). For this assignment design a survey using Survey Monkey or any other applications to attain this information on a 5-point Likert Scale (1- Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3- Neutral, 4- Agree, 5- Strongly Agree) and explain:
1. If the number of users is 1000 but you had limited resources, what is (%) minimal of the employees would you select for this survey to ensure representation of the user (offer supporting arguments)?
2. Which of the three research methods (personal interviews, mail-in paper forms, email-embedded survey link) of obtaining this information would you use (offer rationale)?
3. Which statistical method would you use to determine whether the means of these five Likert Scale groups are significantly different from one another and why?
4. If the means of any of these Likert Scale groups were not statistically different from each other, but still different, what would be your interpretation of the variations?
Submit the paper and Survey Monkey link to the drop box.
Note: For Survey Monkey you need to make a free account. Submit the survey link in the dropbox for grading.