Explain how ethical standards differ from legal requirements.
1. Discuss an ethical standard that affects collaborative decision-making for a client to facilitate a positive outcome.
2. Discuss a legal requirement that affects collaborative decision-making for a client to facilitate a positive outcome.
3. Describe an ethical principle or ethical dilemma that may arise in the situation presented in the scenario.
a. Explain how you would handle the ethical situation or ethical dilemma.
B. Discuss two strategies for advocating for diverse clients.
1. Discuss why it is important to advocate for diverse clients.
C. Assess the needs of the client from the scenario by doing the following:
1. Identify three primary needs of focus for the client.
2. Identify a need for each of the client’s three children.
D. Create a coordination of care plan for the client from the scenario by doing the following:
1. Develop two goals for the client based on the needs identified in part C.
2. Develop three goals for the family based on the needs identified in part C.
3. Prioritize the goals from most important to least important.
a. Justify the prioritization.
4. Recommend a resource to facilitate each of the five goals.
5. Discuss the timeline for accomplishing the goals of the care plan.
6. Explain how to measure if the plan is successful.
a. Describe three barriers that would impede successfully achieving the client’s care plan goals.
b. Explain how you are going to overcome the barriers.
E. As your client’s healthcare advocate, explain how you will support your client in achieving the goals of the care plan.
1. Recommend two ongoing communication strategies that aid in sustaining the goals of the care plan.
F. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
G. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.