Dear Tutor,
Please read the below carefully before accepting to avoid conflicts and low evaluation rating.
I need you to write an Assignment with high level output, the assignment is to answer the following:
Q1. Identify and enlist common issues that are faced by project and program managers in international / global Projects in managing a global/ international project management team. In your opinion, how can these issues Impact a global project’s budget and schedule?
Q2. What is “Cultural Intelligence” and how is it important in managing global project teams?
0% Artificial intelligence (AI)
Less than 5% plagiarism
Questions may have several parts. Please ensure to attempt all parts.
There is no limit on the number of pages.
Copied assignments will be graded ‘F’.
Assignments should be neatly executed with use of at least two colors (e.g., headings/table And figure titles in black with rest of the content in blue).
Assignments should contain a title page clearly stating the name of the student and his ID.
Assignments should be legible (good writing) and understandable (good English). Failing To meet any one of the criteria will result in –ve grading.
References for data obtained from other sources should be clearly indicated at the end.