To complete the recommendation report you need to conduct some more in depth research about the issue (causes, prevalence, statistics, liability/costs) AND methods to address/remedy/prevent the issue. Again, this report is based on an issue within your future career industry and is based on the work you completed in week 9.
Next, conduct a Boolean search via the Monroe College Library electronic databases to locate 4 scholarly or trade journal articles AND 3 Internet sources that discuss the issue and methods to address the issue. Finally, prepare an annotated bibliography in APA format, so that I can evaluate your sources for the recommendation report. You are encouraged to contact a Monroe librarian for more help and information.
1. Click on the attached links to access your lecture notes.
2. Conduct a Boolean search via the Monroe College Library electronic databases AND the Internet to locate your data for the report.
3. View this video on how to read a scholarly journal article.
4. After you have located and read your data for the recommendation report you are ready to create an annotated bibliography in APA format. (click on the attached links to view a sample annotated bibliography and a grading rubric).
5. View the videos for guidance on writing the annotated bibliography.
6. View the tutorial for the APA citation generator website, THEN visit the website to create the citations for the annotated bibliography.