1. Compare evidence-based practice, research, and translational science. How are they related? How do they impact and/or improve patient outcomes?
2. How can/has translational science influence nursing practice and improve patient outcomes in your workplace setting? Summarize an example of translational science that has occurred in your workplace or discuss an area for improvement in your workplace setting.
3. Create a PPAARE (Problem/patient/population/action/alternative/result/evidence)
4. PPAARE Component
Fill in this Column
Identify the problem related to the disease or condition (e.g., diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, pregnancy).
Identify the person related to his or her demographics (e.g., age, ethnicity, gender) and risk factors (e.g., smoking, unhealthy eating practices).
Identify the action related to the person’s diagnosis or diagnostic tests, etiology, prognosis, treatment or therapy, harm, prevention, patient education, follow-up care, or evaluation
Identify the alternative action when there is one (not a required component).
Identify the result of the action to produce, improve, or reduce the outcome for the patient.
Identify the level of evidence available after searching (use the evidence hierarchy-or simply state ‘highest level available’).
Write Complete PPAARE Question here: