One of the things that we will consider this semester is what it means to “unpack” a standard and different approaches to doing so. In Chapter 4, the author of the Brahier textbook describes one approach. Another strategy involves starting at the Cluster level. For this activity, your task is to choose:
Grade 7: Expressions and Equations – Solve real-like and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic expressions and equations.
Using this cluster, respond to the questions on the “Cluster and Standards” document in Module content. In the Discussion, do the following:
1. In the title, include information to identify the cluster that you analyzed (i.e., “Grade 7” or “High School”).
2. Attach your completed “Cluster and Standards” document.
You are required to respond to AT LEAST TWO other students who analyzed the SAME cluster. In your RESPONSE:
1. Compare your analysis of the cluster with the analysis of the other student. Were your ideas the same? If not, how did they differ?
2. If you were both teaching in the same school and the same grade or subject, would the similarities/differences in your analysis be important? Why? In other words, does it matter if your answers on the “Cluster and Standards” document agree? Why? Or why not?