Sociological Perspectives on Popular Culture Choose one of the options: Option 1: How does functionalism explain our obsession with professional and collegiate athletics, celebrity magazines and other forms of entertainment? What are some of the “rituals”...
Why suicides happen, particularly in prosperous and healthy societies, has puzzled social scientists for decades. When sociologists talk about suicide, they are likely to include Durkheim’s work in their discussion. In Section One of the Social Theory Re-wired...
Use this as main reference: Longhofer, W., & Winchester, D. (2016). Social theory re-wired: New connections to classical and contemporary perspectives (2nd ed.) [Electronic version]. Routledge: New York. Retrieved from By now, you...
Use this as the reference: Longhofer, W., & Winchester, D. (2016). Social theory re-wired: New connections to classical and contemporary perspectives (2nd ed.) [Electronic version]. Routledge: New York. Retrieved from First, read the...
Use this as the reference: Longhofer, W., & Winchester, D. (2016). Social theory re-wired: New connections to classical and contemporary perspectives (2nd ed.) [Electronic version]. Routledge: New York. Retrieved from First, in the...
The main reference is : Longhofer, W. and Winchester, D. (2012). Social theory re-wired (2nd ed.) [Electronic version]. Routledge: New York. Information in society is not always presented from the viewpoint of all. Often, social theorists argue that societal messages...