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Blog1 Nur8002 9 strategies for self-empowerment

In this course, you will produce a series of Blog entries to be shared with your colleagues. Blogs help facilitate a meaningful and more informal classroom environment—one that fosters dialogue, interaction, and the dissemination of ideas in a functional platform (Kuo et al., 2017). Blogs also promote community-building and a collaborative learning approach through the sharing of ideas. Although this blog may function somewhat like a discussion, it’s aim is to be more open-ended and informal in terms of sharing perspectives, thoughts, and experiences on a given prompt.

For this first Blog, you will reflect on your academic and professional experiences and write about strategies you have employed, or would like to employ, to help empower you to succeed as an online doctoral student.

Reference: Kuo, Y.-C., Belland, B. R., & Kuo, Y.-T. (2017). Learning through blogging: Students’ perspectives in collaborative blog-enhanced learning communities. Educational Technology and Society, 20(2), 37–50.

• Address the following in your Blog entry: • Describe at least one strategy you have used (academically and/or professionally)

in the past that empowered you in one or more of the following areas: planning, time management, studying, or effective technology use, and explain how this strategy may help ensure your success in your program of study and in completing your DNP degree requirements. Be specific and provide examples.

• Describe at least one strategy you have not yet used and explain why. Explain how this strategy may be beneficial to you, given your personal strengths and areas in need of improvement. Be specific and provide examples.

• Read a selection of your colleagues’ entries.

To prepare:

• Review the Writing Strategies Resources found in this week’s Learning Resources. • Review the Walden DNP Resources found in this week’s Learning Resources. • Reflect on any strategies you have used (academically and/or professionally) in the

past that empowered you in one or more of the following areas: planning, time

management, studying, or effective technology use, and consider how these strategies may help ensure your success in your program of study and in completing your DNP degree requirements.

• Consider any strategies you have not yet used and why. Consider how these strategies may be beneficial to you, given your personal strengths and areas in need of improvement. Be specific and provide examples.

Note: Be sure to review the grading rubric for this Blog so you fully understand what is expected of you. To access the rubric, click on the three dots that appear at the upper right of the Blog assignment page, then choose, “Show Rubric.”


NURS_8002_Week1_Blog_Rubric NURS_8002_Week1_Blog_Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pt s

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeD escription of criterion Main Posting: Idea and Content

24 to >22.0 pts Excellent

Thoroughly responds to the blog prompt/s. Post provides comprehensi ve insight, understandi ng, or reflection about the topic through a focused analysis of the topic supported by personal experiences and/or examples. Personal opinions are expressed and are clearly related to the topic, activity or process identified in blog

22 to >19.0 pts Good

Responds to all of the blog prompt/s. Post provides insight, understandi ng, or reflection about the topic through a reasonably focused analysis of the topic supported by personal experiences and/or examples. Personal opinions are expressed and are but not fully developed to align with blog prompts. The post reflects

19 to >16.0 pts Fair

Partially responds to the blog prompt/s. Posts are typically short and may contain some irrelevant material. The post is mostly description or summary without connections or analysis between ideas. The post reflects minimal engagement with the topic. Posts main blog by due date.

16 to >0 pts Poor

Does not respond to the blog prompt/s or entries lack insight, depth or are superficial. The entries are short and are frequently irrelevant to the events. They do not express opinion clearly and show little understandi ng. The post does not reflect engagement with the topic. Does not post main blog by due date.

24 pt s

prompts. The post reflects in- depth engagement with the topic. Posts main blog by due date.

moderate engagement with the topic. Posts main blog by due date.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFi rst Response: Post to colleague’s main blogpost shows evidence of insight, understand ing, or reflective thought about the topic. NOTE: Responses to faculty are not counted as first or second colleague responses.

13 to >12.0 pts Excellent

Presents a focused and cohesive viewpoint in addressing this response. Response includes focused questions or examples related to colleague’s post. Response stimulates dialogue and commentary. Posts by due date.

12 to >11.0 pts Good

Presents a specific viewpoint that is focused and cohesive. Response includes at least one focused question or example related to colleague’s post. There is some attempt to stimulate dialogue and commentary. Posts by due date.

11 to >9.0 pts Fair

Presents a specific viewpoint but lacks supporting examples or focused questions related to colleague’s post. The posting is brief and reflects minimal effort to connect with colleague. Posts by due date.

9 to >0 pts Poor

The post does not stimulate dialogue or connect with the colleague . Does not post by due date.

13 pt s

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeS econd Response: Post to second colleague blog post shows evidence of insight, understand ing, or reflective thought about the topic.

13 to >12.0 pts Excellent

Presents a focused and cohesive viewpoint in addressing this response. Response includes focused questions or examples related to colleague’s post. Response stimulates dialogue and commentary. Posts by due date.

12 to >11.0 pts Good

Presents a specific viewpoint that is focused and cohesive. Response includes at least one focused question or example related to colleague’s post. There is some attempt to stimulate dialogue and commentary. Posts by due date.

11 to >9.0 pts Fair

Presents a specific viewpoint but lacks supporting examples or focused questions related to colleague’s post. The posting is brief and reflects minimal effort to connect with colleague. Posts by due date.

9 to >0 pts Poor

Response lacks a specific viewpoint and supportin g examples or focused questions related to colleague ’s post. The does not stimulate dialogue or connect with the colleague . Does not post by due date.

13 pt s

Total Points: 50


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